lol, and this brings a good point to the table:
Players who have a weapon + shield have the 'shield-bash' ability.
Dual-Wielders should be able to throw their secondary hand weapon at a nearby enemy for an instant kill or atleast a critical hit.
no, no, no, No, No, No, NO, NO, NO, [censored] NO!!!!!!!!!!!'s see how many comments I get on that :tongue:
it's a cool idea, but it's got two massive flaws, both of which really mess up game balance.
First, you'd be OPing dual wielding
WAY beyond ridiculous. Think about how it would mess up the game's balance to give one style an instant-kill attack, or at least a guaranteed crit.
Second, keep in mind that if we can do it, then so can the AI. and the imbalance thing is a thorn in the gamer's side when it's the player being the OP'ed one. It's a claymore embedded in the ribs if the AI can do it too