Now, let me start by saying that I have no real issue with Steam. I've used it, it works, it is [can be] useful. I'll admit I'm not overly fond of it, but I don't hate it per se.
However, I'm still struggling to accept that Skyrim is FORCING me to use Steam. This just seems like a really bad move. There is no justification that I've heard so far as to why Steam should be mandatory. If you buy the game from Steam, then Steam is obviously necessary and I can understand that some people will prefer to do this. However, I'm buying the retail version of the game. Steam is a Digital Distribution service, keyword being Digital. Don't make me use something I don't need or want.
Now, I'd like to pre-counter some of the more common arguments that defend the use of Steam in games that by all rights should not need Steam.
But Steam provides achievements, cloud saving, automatic patching, chat service, etc.
Yes. Steam does indeed provide these extra services. However, I don't want them nor do I need them. These things should be OPTIONAL. And that's all I'm asking for, Steam should be an OPTION.
But, without Steam PIRATES will get it! D=
Pirates will always get it. Steam won't change this. Don't put out the honest customer.
Well, companies need SOME sort of DRM, Steam is better than other forms of DRM
True, Steam is not as bad as some other forms of DRM but a sandwich with a little bit of crap on it is better than a sandwich with a lot of crap on it. Either way, there is still crap on my sandwich. (Paraphrased from a member of another forum.)
But still, I can't deny that DRM, whether it's necessary, works or not, is going to be around for a long while. Why can't we just have disc checks and CD keys? Retail games have a disc for a reason, let me use it. I want to use it!
Just svck it up, the only people that don't like Steam are people with a bad internet connection
So what?! It seems like a pretty damn good reason to not like it to me. Not everybody has a flawless, high speed connection. I think a lot more people lack this than others realise.
Get used to it. This is the future.
It's only the future because nobody gives a [censored] and the majority just accept it! I'll reiterate my point, I'm not saying to get rid of Steam or boycott it or anything like that, just keep it optional.
Feel free to dispute my points, I'm human and therefore prone to mistakes and being wrong. I just wanted to vent a little and hopefully gain a deeper understanding into why this is happening. And at the very least demonstrate that a paying customer of theirs is dissatisfied. No, it's not their job to conform to my every whim, but I'm paying so I get a say as to what I do and don't like. They can do with that information what they will.