i noticed i had been finding a lot of the blue star caps but when i checked i only have 8 and i know this is impossible since i picked 9 up off a dead girl alone and i had 4 in my inventory already when that trader told me about the treasure..also im picking a lot of spears up off dead legionnaires but they wont combine into one pile like most everything else..i have like 8 stacks of 3..they are all the same condition and everything..also some items i swore i sold keep reappearing in my inventory..also some of the same dead bodys that i have looted keep reappearing with the same loot on them in the exact same place..
i tell you what i love this game but im really really getting sick and tired of all these bugs, glitches and freezes..im so disappointed with how this is turning out..
Luckly the only to containers that have reset are the ones that had stuff for the workbench (scrap metal, glue, you get the idea). Now before I start a quest (Main or Side) I return to the lucky 38, double check that my weapons and armor are still there, then I begin the quest. When I finish that quest I again return to the Lucky 38 to check that my armor and weapons are still there. If they are I save over my 3 save files and the process starts over.......