Haha, that was my first thought too :biggrin:
Hmm, you're right, didn't think about that. But in another part of the article he also complains that armour and legs are now combined, so I don't know. Let's hope.
On topic: Simply amazing! Thanks for the post OP.
Off topic: Even since they confirmed merging of cuirass/greaves, I've been wondering. Did they (BGS) actually specify that the character's armour slots themselves were merged. I know, it was assumed that the slots were now one less, but...I know for sure they confirmed the merged cuirass/greaves and this was mainly done for the "look" of their "armours". They never really talked about clothing though, did they? Perhaps, there are still 5 slots but the armour takes up 2 slots, but the clothing (pants/shirt) take up one slot each? Just something that's been bugging me for a while now...
Sorry for the off topic stuff, but Carnival's post jogged my memory.