I think that there is an official thread about this, but OK.
In theory, I would love a full and proper MP/Co-Op (assuming that it's made ideal so SP doesn't suffer at all).
In reality, I think that only form of MP TES can take is some sort of online PvP arena where you can only come to bash faces of other people and that's that (which is something I would really enjoy since it's simple, won't ruin SP, will give interaction with other players and no one forces you to play it if you don't want to).
I don't want multiplayer anywhere near TES. I'm already annoyed that Mass Effect 3 will have some multiplayer component to it. So I would not like it anywhere near my TES.
If you don't like it, don't play it.
I would only understand your concern in case SP needs to suffer in some form or another in case MP gets implemented.
If it doesn't, I believe you don't have a valid reason for keepeing MP away from TES.