My Traits are Heavy Handed and Skilled (so I don't level too fast, as I plan to do all DLC and Side quests) DLC order will most likely be HH around level 15 or so, LR around 25, OWB right after LR, DM around 35-40 unless I'm having trouble with caps then maybe earlier around 25ish as second DLC.
I'm not set on all my Special yet except I will have at LEAST a 8 STR and 8 END with average or so Luck but NOT a crit build. My character is going pure Unarmed with Energy weapon backup for long range. Thinking of Science, Repair, Lockpick, Speech, Survival, and Med as skills I will boost during my playthrough.
My main problem is some of my perks. I'm not sure if I should go Med to boost stimpacks (Yes I know they heal over time) and get Chemist and Living Anatomy or Survival and getting ... almost all the survival based perks. I will NOT be upping Barter for the perks as I'm taking both +50# carry weight perks and unarmed i'm not going to have alot of ammo to worry about.
Here is my list of chosen perks, the ones with a *** next to them I will be taking and that's not negotiable.
1- Confirmed Bachelor or Intense Training or Old world gourmet
2- Educated or Entomologist
3- Toughness
4-*** Stonewall
5-*** Strong Back
6-*** Piercing Strike
7-*** This is where it also gets complicated - Purifier OR Animal Friend - kill for the XP or use attribute points in CHA and avoid battles / have help
8-Adamantium Skeleton
10- Explorer
11-Laser Commander (should be able to have EW 90 and only plan on using laser for long ranged backup but still thought it might be worth it)
12-*** Slayer
13-Nerves of Steel
14- Jury Rigging
15-*** Burden to Bear
16-Robotics Expert
17-Living Anatomy
19-Implant GRX
20-***Certified Tech
21- Implant GRX
That's where I stopped and started thinking about Survival vs Med
Other optional perks are Home on the Range, Rad Resistance, Tribal Wisdom, Roughn' It. The order of perks, besides the *** ones can also change. Please help me figure out the rest of my perks and the order to get them.
(Any perks not Listed in my post I am not interested in at all, if you have one you like explain why and why it would work for this build)
Any questions to help you help me, post them here and I'll answer if I have a plan for it or not. Please help me finalize my build and provide feedback. Thank you.