There was some good stuff: the rocket launcher is a fun weapon to use, there's some good new loot about to add a little interest, and launching a Titan missile is always going to be a blast (pun intended). The fact that the ending changes (or can change) the Mojave is also a nice touch.
So pros there were, but they don't outweigh the cons for me.
When the game asks me to do stupid things for no reason, I start to get worried. Launch a nuclear missile; after that, descend into a blazing, exploding inferno of a silo base. The question that immediately came to my mind was the one I asked when Desmond asked me to go to the Sacred Bog and get my head sliced open: Why would I do that? Now, maybe if I were playing an INT 3 character I might not worry; but really, who with any intelligence or self-awareness would do these things? Does the story give a compelling reason? No, it doesn't, although it does gloat later on that 'you did it anyway': well, yeah, if I don't want to throw my money away on half a DLC.
It doesn't get any better from that point on. We have the usual litany of enemies spawning from nowhere, enemies with x-ray vision, enemies that can detect a perfect stealth character from half a mile away, etc. that we have come to expect recently. We have a weird 'blow up nuclear warheads' storyline that again makes really no sense and a guy at the end who is apparently just a courier but who is somehow able to withstand multiple mines, grenades, sniper shots to the head and nuclear warhead explosions. Why?
The DLCs started really well. Although Dead Money was somewhat spoiled by bugginess for me, it was nonetheless an interesting and atmospheric game. Honest Hearts was a bit light on story content, but had a nicely put together game world. Then came OWB, which had a good environment and a bit of story but was really just 'fight a load of annoying and repetitive enemies for no good reason'; and now this, which in my opinion has taken a big step back both in terms of the environment, the gameplay and the story telling. I have to say, much as I would love to go on playing New Vegas, if the direction it's taken over the last two DLCs is anything to go by I'm glad LR is the last of them.