More details from the OXM mag

Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:48 pm

So I read the OXM magazine article that just came out and definately it was one of the better ones previewing the game. The last person who made a topic on this missed a few things.

-The "Giant mudcrab" might not be giant, it seems like just a really close-up picture of a normal sized crab, but it looks cool.
-The bow used by the archer against the bear is almost definately a Bow of Shock (the light around the bow is actually lightning)
-the dragon in the screenshot is a new type of dragon--it is not a Frost or fire dragon even though it breathes fire (unless they have different models for the same dragon type). This fight appears to be taking place in the Markarth/Reach region because of building architecture
-local miners assisted Todd once in a dragon fight because it happened to attack near a mine
-Shrine of Talos was found in the demo, Todd says that each of the nine divines has a shrine in Skyrim that can be activated (dont know if for quests or for bonuses)
-Upon approaching the shrine of Talos, all people there are dead.
-There is a screenshot of the aurora borealis over what appears to be an icefield in the water at night, and it looks amazing even though its a small picture! (did not see any horkers in the screen, sadly)
-Finds his way to "Evergreen Grove" which is a lush hidden area that is "literally humming"--I assume with bees. This is where the Spriggan is--Todd calls them nature guardians--and the Spriggan apparently sends the bees to attack--and they kill him. He reloads and kills it this time, which is when it regenerates.
-Telepathic guards might be in, at least for crimes within a hold. He steals a horse in a place where no one can see him, but it runs away. When he gets to Falkreath he pays a 50 dollar bribe to the guard. Someone said this might be for a different reason, but the article is unclear.
-When he goes under a bridge, bandits drop a boulder on him which he dodges (old news) He uses his flame spell to shoot fire through the wooden slats to kill them on the other side.
-He goes to an "orc stronghold" and attacks it. Unknown whether an orc player would be able to go there and make friends or if they would attack all players.
-Apparently, he kills all but two orcs in the fort with a bow while in stealth mode, meaning it will be fairly easy to play stealth?
-The head orc in the new screenshot is carrying a MASSIVE warhammer. It is--literally--five feet long.
-Todd wants to give the players better, more unique loot in the world--and says there will be much more in that way than in Oblivion or Fallout 3
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:04 am

Didn't really need a new thread on this IMO. We've all probably seen them by now. ;)

Also, about the telepathic guard, YOU are wrong. It's been confirmed that the 50 gold is to get into the city because the city is on lockdown, not to pay for his crimes.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:18 pm

-Telepathic guards confirmed, at least for crimes within a hold. He steals a horse in a place where no one can see him, but it runs away. When he gets to Falkreath he pays a 50 dollar bribe to the guard
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:25 pm

I was hoping those were the northern lights I saw, this is the third thread now I've seen it mentioned, and I'm quite pleased. I'm surprised I never thought about it, I loved seeing them in Northrend in WOTLK.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:13 am

So I read the OXM magazine article that just came out and definately it was one of the better ones previewing the game.

Very nice, thanks! :)
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:34 pm

Ehh, maybe he had to bribe the guards to enter the city? Since this had to be done for Whiterun, I would expect that the OXM people maybe just didn't realize this.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:52 pm

Thanks for the info, OP. This is the type of info I like picking up on the forums.
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steve brewin
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:54 am
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Roy Harris
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:55 am

More unique loot... this is good :thumbsup:
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:19 am

why do u simply change the post?
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:02 am

-Telepathic guards might be in, at least for crimes within a hold. He steals a horse in a place where no one can see him, but it runs away. When he gets to Falkreath he pays a 50 dollar bribe to the guard. Someone said this might be for a different reason, but the article is unclear.

-Apparently, he kills all but two orcs in the fort with a bow while in stealth mode, meaning it will be fairly easy to play stealth?

A bit distressing.

-Todd wants to give the players better, more unique loot in the world--and says there will be much more in that way than in Oblivion or Fallout 3

Sounds positive to me, it's always nice to stumble upon unique objects.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:53 am

-Apparently, he kills all but two orcs in the fort with a bow while in stealth mode, meaning it will be fairly easy to play stealth?
-Todd wants to give the players better, more unique loot in the world--and says there will be much more in that way than in Oblivion or Fallout 3

Todd could've had a high sneak skill which would allow him to be hidden for a while.

The 2nd point worries me a lot, we don't need more handplaced loot because all that's going to turn into is sneak past guardian creature use invisibility potion, get Broken Daedric Sword that will make you a god for the 1st Two-Thirds of the game and then just repeat steps you took to get past the Guardian creature. That would make the game too easy and it would lead to the same problems that Fallout New Vegas had with Handplaced Loot. If it makes sense for the dungeon that it is in, like the Lincoln's Repeater from Fallout 3 then that's one thing but other then that no it's bad.
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:18 pm

Aedric shrines eh? What if the Daedric and Aedric quests solve the same problems but using different methods? :D
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:08 am

Todd could've had a high sneak skill which would allow him to be hidden for a while.

The 2nd point worries me a lot, we don't need more handplaced loot because all that's going to turn into is sneak past guardian creature use invisibility potion, get Broken Daedric Sword that will make you a god for the 1st Two-Thirds of the game and then just repeat steps you took to get past the Guardian creature. That would make the game too easy and it would lead to the same problems that Fallout New Vegas had with Handplaced Loot. If it makes sense for the dungeon that it is in, like the Lincoln's Repeater from Fallout 3 then that's one thing but other then that no it's bad.

If it's indeed hard to get that Unique Loot, I see no problem. :icecream:
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Kari Depp
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:21 am

-The bow used by the archer against the bear is almost definately a Bow of Shock (the light around the bow is actually lightning)

It doesn't look like lightning at all. It looks ethereal - it is almost certainly a Bound Bow. The enchanted weapons shown so far have had a much more understated glow effect, and that is way overkill - it resembles the blue color that most bound weapons and spectral summons have had (such as the glowing wolf summoned by a staff mentioned in a few of the previews).

Also it looks WAY COOL! I might just be a conjurer and use summoned weapons all the time.
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:47 am

Maybe he was seen while stealing the horse. Afaik guards will not know when you killed all the witnesses.
Thats what Pete said during the radio interview, hope he was right ...
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:46 pm

Todd could've had a high sneak skill which would allow him to be hidden for a while.

The 2nd point worries me a lot, we don't need more handplaced loot because all that's going to turn into is sneak past guardian creature use invisibility potion, get Broken Daedric Sword that will make you a god for the 1st Two-Thirds of the game and then just repeat steps you took to get past the Guardian creature. That would make the game too easy and it would lead to the same problems that Fallout New Vegas had with Handplaced Loot. If it makes sense for the dungeon that it is in, like the Lincoln's Repeater from Fallout 3 then that's one thing but other then that no it's bad.

Tons of people were calling for more handplaced loot.
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:39 am

Todd could've had a high sneak skill which would allow him to be hidden for a while.

The 2nd point worries me a lot, we don't need more handplaced loot because all that's going to turn into is sneak past guardian creature use invisibility potion, get Broken Daedric Sword that will make you a god for the 1st Two-Thirds of the game and then just repeat steps you took to get past the Guardian creature. That would make the game too easy and it would lead to the same problems that Fallout New Vegas had with Handplaced Loot. If it makes sense for the dungeon that it is in, like the Lincoln's Repeater from Fallout 3 then that's one thing but other then that no it's bad.

I thought Morrowind did an excellent job at having an abundant amount of unique loot while still making the gameplay satisfying. Even loot in random dungeons could be explained with a simple note indicating thieves had taken it but were trapped in the dungeon due to other enemies or the weather. Or for more powerful artifacts like the Daedric Crescent have it more like a quest scenario. Unique loot is also one of the main incentives for dungeon crawling, if there is more of it in Skyrim it just means we'll have more reasons to keep searching the new locations we come across.
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Yama Pi
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:25 am

I thought Morrowind did an excellent job at having an abundant amount of unique loot while still making the gameplay satisfying. Even loot in random dungeons could be explained with a simple note indicating thieves had taken it but were trapped in the dungeon due to other enemies or the weather. Or for more powerful artifacts like the Daedric Crescent have it more like a quest scenario. Unique loot is also one of the main incentives for dungeon crawling, if there is more of it in Skyrim it just means we'll have more reasons to keep searching the new locations we come across.

The one problem with Morrowind though is that you can use Levitation to get to places where you weren't suppose to go at a low level and get powerful items. I don't mind more handplaced Items I just don't want the entire game to be filled with them, would make a 2nd playthrough useless outside of Roleplaying a character.
If it's indeed hard to get that Unique Loot, I see no problem. :icecream:

Agree and if it makes sense to get that item in that dungeon then I have no problem with it either. I just don't want a New Vegas situation where there's too many handplaced items.

Tons of people were calling for more handplaced loot.

That's because Oblivion had none at all besides Umbra if that counts. I don't mind Handplaced loot but I don't want the entire game filled out with it like Fallout New Vegas.
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:01 am

My dear if you see someone running out of a stable with an horse , its because he stole it ( NPC report crime ) and when the crime is reported you get a nice hold specific bounty
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:29 pm

So I read the OXM magazine article that just came out and definately it was one of the better ones previewing the game. The last person who made a topic on this missed a few things.

-The "Giant mudcrab" might not be giant, it seems like just a really close-up picture of a normal sized crab, but it looks cool.
-The bow used by the archer against the bear is almost definately a Bow of Shock (the light around the bow is actually lightning)
-the dragon in the screenshot is a new type of dragon--it is not a Frost or fire dragon even though it breathes fire (unless they have different models for the same dragon type). This fight appears to be taking place in the Markarth/Reach region because of building architecture
-local miners assisted Todd once in a dragon fight because it happened to attack near a mine
-Shrine of Talos was found in the demo, Todd says that each of the nine divines has a shrine in Skyrim that can be activated (dont know if for quests or for bonuses)
-Upon approaching the shrine of Talos, all people there are dead.
-There is a screenshot of the aurora borealis over what appears to be an icefield in the water at night, and it looks amazing even though its a small picture! (did not see any horkers in the screen, sadly)
-Finds his way to "Evergreen Grove" which is a lush hidden area that is "literally humming"--I assume with bees. This is where the Spriggan is--Todd calls them nature guardians--and the Spriggan apparently sends the bees to attack--and they kill him. He reloads and kills it this time, which is when it regenerates.
-Telepathic guards might be in, at least for crimes within a hold. He steals a horse in a place where no one can see him, but it runs away. When he gets to Falkreath he pays a 50 dollar bribe to the guard. Someone said this might be for a different reason, but the article is unclear.
-When he goes under a bridge, bandits drop a boulder on him which he dodges (old news) He uses his flame spell to shoot fire through the wooden slats to kill them on the other side.
-He goes to an "orc stronghold" and attacks it. Unknown whether an orc player would be able to go there and make friends or if they would attack all players.
-Apparently, he kills all but two orcs in the fort with a bow while in stealth mode, meaning it will be fairly easy to play stealth?
-The head orc in the new screenshot is carrying a MASSIVE warhammer. It is--literally--five feet long.
-Todd wants to give the players better, more unique loot in the world--and says there will be much more in that way than in Oblivion or Fallout 3

I seen it too and i can nearly tell at 100% its a Jill ( Alduin's minions ( Black dragons(very effing evil)))

Oh and for the bow Its an bound bow ( conjured with magic ) because you can see trought it look closey and you'll see a bit like etheral weapons from diablo 2 ( EDIT: and you can see trough the quiver too :P )
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:42 am

Todd could've had a high sneak skill which would allow him to be hidden for a while.

The 2nd point worries me a lot, we don't need more handplaced loot because all that's going to turn into is sneak past guardian creature use invisibility potion, get Broken Daedric Sword that will make you a god for the 1st Two-Thirds of the game and then just repeat steps you took to get past the Guardian creature. That would make the game too easy and it would lead to the same problems that Fallout New Vegas had with Handplaced Loot. If it makes sense for the dungeon that it is in, like the Lincoln's Repeater from Fallout 3 then that's one thing but other then that no it's bad.

You'd rather see that most dungeons have random loot in chests that is scaled to your level? Handplaced loot is what makes exploration rewarding, it shouldn't be the exception.
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:25 am

You'd rather see that most dungeons have random loot in chests that is scaled to your level? Handplaced loot is what makes exploration rewarding, it shouldn't be the exception.

I don't mind some Handplaced loot, I thought Fallout 3 did a good job with that. I just don't want the entire game to be filled with Handplaced loot especially loot that will make your character incredibly powerful at low levels with little to no effort in getting.
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