Ulysses and the slide get my faction wrong.

Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:13 am

I'm with the NCR, House is dead, Yes Man is connected where house was but that's it and Caesar is also dead. However when Ulysses first talks to me through ED-E he acts like I'm with House and all dialog reflects that, then in the slide, the duster pic my courier wearing the variant you get if you sided with Yes Man. Then when I get the Courier duster and put it on, the back is of the old world flag, which you get if you sided with House, which I did not. I should get the Two Headed bear but I don't, also the platinum chip is also in my inventory so is that causing the issue? This is very disappointing :(
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:00 pm

I'm with the NCR, House is dead, Yes Man is connected where house was but that's it and Caesar is also dead. However when Ulysses first talks to me through ED-E he acts like I'm with House and all dialog reflects that, then in the slide, the duster pic my courier wearing the variant you get if you sided with Yes Man. Then when I get the Courier duster and put it on, the back is of the old world flag, which you get if you sided with House, which I did not. I should get the Two Headed bear but I don't, also the platinum chip is also in my inventory so is that causing the issue? This is very disappointing :(

Yeah, I have this bug too.

I know it is reflected on rep but there is no House rep

I have lowered the Strip's rep to wild child and then he says that you aren't with anything which semi true but there most likely is dialogue referencing the courier in control of Vegas.

If not then that is really screwed up.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:45 am

I'm idolized by both factions, if it really goes by reputation then that's just stupid :/
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:09 pm

I'm idolized by both factions, if it really goes by reputation then that's just stupid :/

In my game Ulysses said I was with NCR (Legion is vilified) even though all I had to do was talk to Yes Man to initiate the war.

I then lowered my rep with them to Wild Child but then he says that I was with House (even though House is disconnected, then tried again with House dead with same result)

After that I downgraded my rep with the Strip and then he said that I wasn't to any faction or even Vegas. Which isn't true. Hopefully this can be fixed, or maybe there is a work around I did message Gstaff so I hope I get a response.
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