Unique Character Concepts

Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:50 am

Here's the idea: The Objective here is to come up with the most unique character types you can think of. Typically you want to make very restrictive limitations to your character in order to make him very specific so that he becomes very distinctive to the rest of the other characters.

The requirements are:

  • A name.
  • A discription of what the class is and its restrictions.

The idea here is not to create personalities but "classes" so don't bother much with creating a personality, although traits of someone of that class can always be fun.
After every entry i'll update the list of classes so that everyone can have a easy look at what they might want to eventually try in one of their playthroughs.

Hope to see a lot of ideas, be creative! :)

Unique Character Concepts

Classe Name: Stormclad

Classe Discription: This classe is meant to be played as a Nord, who is mastered in the use of Touch Spells of Lightning and Cold Nature and carry a shield for protection. Their armor choice is a medium sort of protection like chain mail and some leather, for some protection but still giving some mobility. They are meant to go up close to the enemy and cause havoc with they powerful lightning and freezing touch spells. (i'm considering also the trap rune spells as a touch spell). If a wolf pelt head gear (roman style) exists in skyrim it will also become a item of requirement for this class.
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:15 am

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Amie Mccubbing
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