Hey everyone, I lurk here all the time to pick up bits of news, and I finally just joined.
My main question is, if Radiant story generates quests and things to do, pretty much infinitely, what do they do about voice acting? How can the y provide all of these encounters with appropriate voclaizations? Do they loop interactions? Any ideas?
Hey everyone, I lurk here all the time to pick up bits of news, and I finally just joined.
My main question is, if Radiant story generates quests and things to do, pretty much infinitely, what do they do about voice acting? How can the y provide all of these encounters with appropriate voclaizations? Do they loop interactions? Any ideas?
RS does not generates quests. It tailors variables(depending on your actions, location and/or skill) within a quest such as location, enemies and rewards.
RS does not generates quests. It tailors variables(depending on your actions, location and/or skill) within a quest such as location, enemies and rewards.
AKA it's the quest equivalent of madlibs, only less vulgar.
The first post of this Thread: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1232493-more-content-more-random-instances/
Now I understand your confusion. Just because something is random doesn't mean it's dynamically generated. These "instances" are randomized for when and where they occur but they are plucked from a list of pre-written scenarios.
How often do you think they'll repeat themselves?, which i guess tie sinto how long the list is.... Do you think it'll be a problem?
I'll answer that with my response to the other thread.
I think to get the most out of replays and insure you don't see much of the same instances in three or four different play throughs we will need to avoid tromping the same terrain 10 times over. Glad i'm not averse to using fast travel.
In other words it's likely they won't be repeating them.