mixed race inherritance

Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:52 pm

would it not be -interesting- if at making a new char to play with instead of selecting it's race and looks, you instead picked that of his parents?

you get to select the race and looks of both of your parents... (and your own gender)
and your char will have a blend of their looks and races (and features)

might even extend this, so your not selecting your parents, but your grandparents...
or at maximum settings your grand-grandpartens
enhancing your race purity (a highelve with a pure liniage would have splendid powers, yet also be very very arrogant and disliked by others;)) for example)
or blending in some strenghts to par with your weakness.

imagine :

orc - nord redguard - Argonian Altmer - Dunmer Bosmer - Imperial
.............halforc - lizzardman.....................Aylid - halfelf
.................................... Your Character

would be.. interesting;)
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Nathan Barker
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