I'm now working on a "light" ammo mod, mainly tweaking ammo already in-game and adding a few receipes and options which I felt were missing.
The goal of this mod is to be as inobstructive and integrated as possible. I want it to feel "natural". I'm no gun-nut, and I focus mainly on game-balance, so I'm not always accurate with recipes and the like...
Here is what I've done so far :
- Add .38 Special and .44 Special cases
- Changed .308, .308 AP and .308 HP to 7.62mm to be more like the 5.56mm (NATO version)
- Added .308 ammo, which is to 7.62mm what .223 is to 5.56mm : the "civilian" version of a NATO round
- Added 7.62mm Surplus ammo (with all the Surplus effects)
- Added a x1.20 Spread to all Surplus ammo (not just 5mm)
- Restored/Added .223, .308, .44 Special, .38 Special and 7.62 Surplus ammo boxes
- Added .38 Super : 0.90 DAM, 0.90 COND, -6 DT (kinda like a +P version of .38 Special, to make those cases more useful, and because I want to add a .38 revolver based on the .32 Pistol from FO3)
- Added recipes for .223, .308 (civilian), 9mm +P, .38 Special, .44 Special, .38 Super, 12.7mm Action Express Handload (effect : like 10mm JHP with x1.20 Spread), 5.56mm Match Handload (effect : like .50MG Match, more DAM and less Spread)
- Add a -5DT effect to all 5.56mm/.223 ammo (except AP : -20DT instead of -15DT, HP : x2.5DT instead of x3DT)
- Add a -2DT effect to all 7.62mm/.308 ammo (except AP and HP : unmodded)
- Switch Magnum shotgun ammo to Handload (it will need the Handloader perk)
- Add a x0.80 Spread to .22LR Plinking ammo (to make it more useful)
- Switch the Varmint Rifle to .22LR, as it was originally intended ; with the "usual" .22LR weapons effects : reduced normal DAM to 11 (from 20), x3 Crit chance, x2 Crit DAM, also modded it to shoot faster (DPS almost equal to 5.56mm version)
- Switch the Marksman Carbine to 5mm (like the Assault Carbine) : reduced DAM (in line with other 5 mm weapons) but increased fire rate to 125 DPS (from the base 130), but with -10 DT from the 5mm ammo!
- Added the "cut content" scope mod to the Service Rifle
... and maybe more that I fail to remember !
Everything is integrated seamlessly to vendors and levelled lists.
What I plan to do :
- Add Hanload ammo for every caliber that lacks it now (5mm, .22LR mostly, as I already took care of 12.7mm and 5.56mm)
- Add more "bulk" ammo (for 9mm, 10mm, 12.7mm)
- Add more "exotic" ammo recipes (.22 Flechette, incendiary rifle ammo, other recipes based on the science/explosive/survival skills)
- New variations of "bulk" ammo
- "New" weapons using existing ressources (FO3 ressources already in New Vegas game files, and some old-school laser weapons and a flamer if I get permission)
- Switching the Assault and Marksman Carbine magazines (with models) and tweaking magazine capacity accordingly (30 for the large one, 24 for the small one) and adding two mods for each : Silencer and Increased Magazine : models done already, need some tweaking (ultra-large magazine has a bug with realoading animation).
- New, orginal ammo for energy weapons (ideas : Nova explosive ammo for plasma weapons, Hotshot armor-piercing ammo for lasers...)
What I need help for :
- I tried to add the new ammo to formlists with a script and AddFormToFormList, but it doesn't work : my script is never launched...
- More ideas !