Yesssss! It's likely that my character is going to be dying a lot especially with the combat tweaks I'm going to mod in so it's good to know she'll at least do it in style! And seeing it will make me not want it to happen again so I'll be even more careful -- win-win n_n
Which is a little morbid to say... But wheeee! If finishing moves on player character are possible now then I hope so will many other NPC initiated interactions like vampire bites or similar. My modding potential sense is tingling!
Yesssss! It's likely that my character is going to die a lot especially with the combat tweaks I'm going to mod in so it's good to know she'll at least do it in style! And seeing it will make me not want it to happen again so I'll be even more careful -- win-win n_n
Which is a little morbid to say... But wheeee! If finishing moves on player character are possible now then I hope so will many other NPC initiated interactions like vampire bites or similar. My modding potential sense is tingling!
I already made a post about how you should be able to execute a special finishing move IF your a vampire and fill that thirst meter at the same time =D
I would love it if a mudcrab snipped my head off with its claw :tops:
First it pinches your toes, causing you to fall on your knees. Then it grabs your waist, pulls itself up and grabs you by your nose while you lean over in pain. As it tightens its claw around your precious nose while your character screams in discomfort, the mudcrab raises its other pincher and stabs you right in your eye, digging through the skull and jumps off as you collapse in the sand!
I guess it's alright. I mean as long as it isn't too too brutal (See Dead Space), I'm all good with it. I just hope they stay sorta realistic, as in a bandit shouldn't be decapitating me with a dagger, etc.
First it pinches your toes, causing you to fall on your knees. Then it grabs your waist, pulls itself up and grabs you by your nose as you lean over in pain. As it tightens its claw around your precious nose while your character screams in discomfort, the mudcrab raises its other pincher and stabs you right in your eye, digging through the skull and jumps off as you collapse in the sand!
I guess it's alright. I mean as long as it isn't too too brutal (See Dead Space), I'm all good with it. I just hope they stay sorta realistic, as in a bandit shouldn't be decapitating me with a dagger, etc.
There is no reason someone can't be decapitated with a dagger...I've read news stories where people get decapitated with kitchen knives...But I doubt bethesda would get that graphic. And that's fine with me!
First it pinches your toes, causing you to fall on your knees. Then it grabs your waist, pulls itself up and grabs you by your nose while you lean over in pain. As it tightens its claw around your precious nose while your character screams in discomfort, the mudcrab raises its other pincher and stabs you right in your eye, digging through the skull and jumps off as you collapse in the sand!