So what exactly does "Athletics" do anyways?

Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:44 pm

So I'm thinking about designing a new character in Morrowind, resemblent of the one that I want to play in Skyrim. My favored attributes are going to be Intelligence and Speed. Basically, my character will be a run & shoot type of character, focusing mainly on Destruction (debating Marksman as well, but I feel that Destruction, Marksman, and a melee skill like Long Blade will be overkill) to do damage, as well as summoning creatures to hopefully take the focus. So basically, I said all that to say, I want my character to be fast.

Now I know the speed attribute directly effects how fast you are. If Speed then directly increases your... speed, what then does Athletics do exactly?

Here's the early build, just cuz:

Race: Wood Elf
Class: Summoner
Sign: The Atronach
Major: Conjuration | Mysticism | Enchant | Destruction | Long Blade
Minor: Light Armor | Heavy Armor (?) | Restoration | Athletics | Unknown (debating Marksman, or another melee skill, as I like the idea of being able to pick up nearly any weapon and using it)
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maya papps
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