BOOM!! Nuclear War!! All that survives on the planet are Cockroaches and Twinkies, but that's not all. Birds, those Goddam crows. They pop up on my radar as friendly, so I go looking thinking it may be a person or start of a quest. I search for a while screaming at my TV thinking there is a bug, but no, a teeny-tinny black little bird. So out I pull my Caravan Shotgun and BLAM! BLAM!, oh OK these birds have seem to have mutated in to the greatest foe of the entire wastes. Tougher than a Deathclaw and as cunning as a Nightstalker, I wanna blow them away and put them in a pie. But in all seriousness how come you can't kill the crows?
I kill them whenever I can, +1 xp is better than no xp.
Plus they make good targets for my Anti-Material Rifle :trophy: