Wish list: Voice slider

Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:27 am

They literally have hundreds of voices in skyrim for NPCs. I'm sure giving 10 more customizable options wouldn't hurt.

Bethesda says that there are at least 20 shouts in the game, yes?At least.There are ten different races and both genders for each race.20 times 20 equals 400, if you multiply that by ten that would equal 4000 files, and I didn't even count the damage grunts and power attack grunts.That's valuable disk space that's probably already being used up for NPC voice actors.I think people would rather have diversity in the NPC voice actors than the ability to slightly change the pitch of your character's voice when there isn't even that much voice acting for the character.If you watch the third video and move it to 4:30 you can see his magicka go down by a lot when he does the "Dovahkin!" yell, so he's probably just charging up a high-level spell, and the yell was added over that, and I don't think you shout "Dovahkin!" every time you cast a high-level spell.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:14 am

Bethesda says that there are at least 20 shouts in the game, yes?At least.There are ten different races and both genders for each race.20 times 20 equals 400, if you multiply that by ten that would equal 4000 files, and I didn't even count the damage grunts and power attack grunts.That's valuable disk space that's probably already being used up for NPC voice actors.I think people would rather have diversity in the NPC voice actors than the ability to slightly the change the pitch of your character's voice when there isn't even that much voice acting for the character.If you watch the third video and move it to 4:30 you can see his magicka go down by a lot when he does the "Dovahkin!" yell, so he's probably just charging up a high-level spell, and the yell was added over that, and I don't think you shout "Dovahkin!" every time you cast a high-level spell.

You win again Corakus, you win again...

Dream killer. lol.

I hope this petty thread of mine didn't get in the way of your puppy kicking. j/k.

I still think it's somewhat possible. I just think it's gonna be a little weird that someone's Argonian character will sound like a Nord.
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Floor Punch
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:52 am

You win again Corakus, you win again...

Dream killer. lol.

I hope this petty thread of mine didn't get in the way of your puppy kicking. j/k.

I still think it's somewhat possible. I just think it's gonna be a little weird that someone's Argonian character will sound like a Nord.

Win again?Did I ever win an argument in these forums?I think that was the first time anyone's honestly let me win an argument.Allow me to savor the moment......okay.I don't think they have the Argonian's player voice actor the same as the Nord's, Todd said this in the fan interview.

22) Will your character have a voice? So that you can hear yourself having a conversation with other people?
Todd: You do have a voice, but you only hear it in grunts and shouts. So we have recorded for each race and six you can play, all the different combat grunts, as well as the dragon language shouts.

Also Pete mentioned on Twitter that all the voice-acting was for placeholding, which is lame, because I liked Arvel's voice.The best thing they could do is add an option to toggle off the combat grunts or dragon shout voice-acting.Knowing Bethesda though, they wouldn't even do that, it's a miracle that they decided to let us toggle off quest markers, something about "Development time" or something like that.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:27 pm


If not in Vanilla game (I think it was confirmed that it was only for demo purposes), I'm definitely installing the mod that adds that anim and shout :D

I just hope they leave it "forgotten" on the disk.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:41 pm

This again? The Nord voiceovers weren't even final in the E3 build. Pete said the scream was just to close the demo. It's not in the final game.
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Richus Dude
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:35 am

having a voice slider would be so nice ! :happy:
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Dj Matty P
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