I have seen all the videos and I am worried that sneaking is going to be too easy. I remember in the e3 footage (possibly an older build) that when the bandit(?) is shot in bleak falls cave (?) the other guy just gets ready to be attacked. Shouldn't he take cover at least? Or act highly surprised? :batman:
To rephrase the question slightly. When one enemy in a group is killed stealthily, how should the others react? If you plan on tweeting up pete, "When a single enemy in a group is killed, how do the others react?" :user:
Apparently there is a similar thread criticizing the game about it here; http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1232833-please-get-rid-of-the-hiddensnipe-ai-exploit/ but, remember this is a question. I want to know if anyone knows whether or not it has been fixed.