major points of the article: copied from
there isn’t anything at all in Skyrim that is ‘procedurally generated’. Every little detail has been lovingly hand-crafted and placed into the world
the reputation system has been developed and enhanced from Fallout:New Vegas. You can curry favour with the heads of Holds by doing quests for them, and thus being liked by the local guards to the extent that they will even turn a blind eye to your misdemeanours. That sounds awesome!
Even more exciting is that you can turn the Holds against one another. The article reports that the player character ended up starting a war between two rival militias!
New perks revealed were one which enables you to run through a group of enemies whilst bashing them with your shield. The perk was decapitation was also confirmed, and was described by Todd Howard as ‘not super gory’
The Thieves Guild is based in the sewers beneath the City of Riften, and there is a Shrine of Talos in Whiterun.
Creatures are described as being more diverse than ever before, and a brand new creature is revealed – an Ice Golem.