Question: "Hey guys! How would you want a small funny reference to the guy who put life back into your beloved series by making Morrowind a success so that TES could continue being made?"
Question: "Hey guys! How would you want a small funny reference to the guy who put life back into your beloved series by making Morrowind a success so that TES could continue being made?"
Sure they can, its more directed at people who believe that IF an npc in Skyrim looked and sounded like Todd itd completely ruin the game. I dont see what the problem would be at all though, personally I dont really care.
I love that idea of having Todd's face appear on the sky from time to time.Maybe it should appear during an Aurora Borealis.You know "OMG DOUBLE RAINBOW ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE SKY...SHI-..ITS JUST TODD."
No, because they want the game to be real to the players, and takes away from the realism. I wouldn't mind a commentary version, but I doubt they'll do that.
Sorry to get off topic, but I(and all the other colorblind people, I'm sure) would appreciate if you'd use one solid color. I can't read A LOT of your post.