How to play LR, OWB, and other DLCs with no lag

Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:35 pm

After they are installed, start a completely new character.

I ran into Lonesome Road and am 2 hours into into Lonesome Road with no lag, crashes, or freezes..

I guess the game does not like using save files pre-DLC install.

I even did this at level 2 entering. With that low of a character, after each major battle I gained a level. Just tag Repair, Lockpick, and Science.
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Jack Moves
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:58 am

LOL, that's an acceptable solution to you? I'm a couple of hundred hours into this character and building it up is a lot of what makes an RPG enjoyable.
How about this as a better solution: instead of starting a new character, I think I'll just start a new game from a different developer and write off my $10 as a learning experience.
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