What I wonder is how it works across various versions. Do they playtest the individual versions for bugs or mostly only that of the lead platform while assuming the bugs and fixes carry over to the others?
Most bugs in Skyrim.ESM, I'd imagine, if fixed for one platform would be fixed for the others. The scripting is the most likely place for problems to arise, or at least it has been in previous games, so altering a script in one build fixes all. That doesn't take into account the number of other bugs that can arise, like bad .NIFs or pathing errors, but by the same token, fixing any given form/asset would
probably carry over across all platforms. The .exe or whatever the platforms use, however, is probably more specific as there are bound to be unique limitations and pitfalls for each platform. Something that always crashes on PS3/XBox might not be a problem at all on PC or visa versa. Admittedly, I've only bughunted/fixed for PC, so I could quite possibly be wrong about the .exe stuff. I'm fairly confident the ESM assertions are correct though.
Do the consoles have .ini files? I know they're not user editable if there are, but that's another potential platform specific element of the fugbixing process.