Does this game have multiplayer or can you just be alone? Just need a couple settings like 'NPCs killable by client' toggle and 'quest completion applies to all residents' toggle to make it fun. But I'm wondering if another player could take control of a wolf, bone monster, or the main warrior guy or something over a home wired or office wifi network (with 2 purchased copies for DRM over steam).
Also, are there any custom mods in progress? Can add copyrighted music to the game (assuming the user has already purchased the music files into their PC; else normal music continues)? I plan on playing this with my Pops, and I don't want him to hear the crappy music I like when he has his 250+versions of the christmas tune Sleighride going.
Also, Bethesda, I really wished you would have disk-in-drive DVD/Bluray DRM. It's getting really annoying when I go to post online, that I have to lose my save game and re-register my account from email. Can you upgrade the security systems like those superfan hacker dudes asked?