If they want us to be beta testers, then so be it. I actually managed to get through Lonesome Road on PS3 after much effort(!!!), but I love this game too much to leave the rest of you in the dust. Well, that, and my husband can't even get through the game now without the horrendous framerate lag issue.
I don't have a solution, sadly, but if any of you all do, then feel free to post it! If someone finds a suitable workaround or solution (NOT "oh, just start a new character" because that's a combination word that has a B and an S in it), post! If others are having success with it, I will post it in the OP.
But here's what I can do in the meantime -- for those of you having trouble with the framerate lag issue (or other possibly game-breaking glitches), post with:
level of character:
approx. number of attempts to play LR:
first started that particular save file (approximately):
faction alliance (if any):
any other DLCs downloaded besides Lonesome Road:
where in Lonesome Road the framelag started/got the worst:
any other glitches that you may have experienced that affected LR or any of the base game after install:
This information could possibly whittle down a cause or give us a solution. (And hey, maybe if this information is organized, someone might just take pity on us!)