So why is H2H going to rock?!
This is going to be good. :turned:
I Removal of attributes
II Not depending on perks
Oy, you just mention everything that is wrong about h2h being gimped to gimmicky sideshow status and try to twist them into benefits? :teehee:
The simulated character needs strength, endurance, and skill to perform a physical action. These are three separate (but interconnected) sets of values that work together to determine how well an action can be done. Beth has removed one of these 3 vital things. This is very poor design and it is irrational to defend it. To further defend the gimping of h2h is beyond irrational. Apparently all h2h is based off of is endurance (stamina). This makes no sense.
No kidding. But gauntlets/gloves are obvious part of the character clothing. The fact that Beth mysteriously omitted them from OB and remembered to put them in SR is is fixing a mistake.
This is one point that stands. Having the option to possibly fix all of the problems we are seeing is great.