PS3 Version any change for a Digital Version in the future?

Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:20 pm

Good evening, I am curious if there is going to be a Digital Version for the PS3? A while back I moved back in with my family after the economy grew a little worse. Needless to say a family member stole half of my game media so I am kind of refusing to buy disc media when I can just download it.

I have a 360 but I prefer not to use that system if I don’t have to. The Xbox 360 HDD are too expensive 250 GIGs for over hundred bucks when I can buy a Hard drive for less then 100 bucks for a Terabyte. So I really have to watch how many games I get on the 360 plus Online is free….

For people like me who depend on Cloud service and Digital content any chance this will happen? I mean it’s the future lol
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