I'm a long term fan of the Fallout series. In fact, all the way back to the first game. Now my part time job includes reviewing games, and i was really surprsied to see that FNV was almost as bad on release (on the ps3) as FO3 - which was bleeding awful. I just didn't think you would make the same mistake twice. After the OWB patch, and the stability patch, the game seemed faoirly stabile though, and i was overjoyed, but the latest patch for LR made the game unplayable again. 25 hard resets in 4 hours, framerate like a slideshow, and a funny burning smell from my ps3 after about 45 minutes. This game is now so bad technically, that it's murdering consoles.
I know the game is programmed on a bad engine, but then why didn't you take the time to program it in a new engine. I would gladly have waited 2-3 years, if the game had been decently working. Or if you wanted to make it in this engine, at least hire som decent ps3 talent, and do a proper job of it, instead of a bad port, that strains the main cpu beyond it's capabilities. Honestly, this is so badly done, that the most powerful console on the market stutters really badly running a game with really outdated visuals.
Well, i know that you're probably longing for a point, and here it is: Obisidan, please don't give up on the ps3 version of Fallout NV like you did with Fallout 3. Not a single patch for the GOTY version, which could hardly be called a functioning game. I played that 150 hour slidceshow, and it is time i will never get back, and if you leave FNV in the state it is in now, the only acceptable sequel will be an apology letter and a box of chokolates (and maybe incluide the pc-version, since that is the only one working anyway).
Honestly, i just get the feeling that you just wanna make games for pc, and use the consoles as a cash-in. And if that is the case, then just develop games for pc, 'cause this is a abuse of your fanbase. The ps3 versions are shockingly inferior in the fallout series. And i can honestly say (and this is coming from a guy playing hundreds of games a year) that this is the worst game, from a technical standpoint, i have ever seen. And i have nothing but contempt for the the cashcow-use of your ps3 fanbase. And, though i am not to be a buyest reviewer, i have strongly recommended against buying your games for any console in my reviews - 'cause i tried the xbox-versions and those are not really great either.
I can honestly say that i have lost 95 % of myrespect for you guys at Obsidian, and bethesda, for releasing half-done ports like this. It feels like alpha testing a game playing, what you have the audacity to call finished products.And i had so high hopes for this one, especially with the original talent from the old games, now working at Obsidian. Don't you just feel bad when you know you're destroying the series you've help build? Well, i bet none of you play this game on the ps3, either that, or you lost all your enthusiasm about making games and just resorted to releasing this kind of (pardon my french) crap.
Seriously guys, try the ps3 version, and you would know that it is completely unacceptable. And please, fix the damn ps3 version of FO3 goty when you're at it - it's way over due.
Nikolaj Juul