no combat skills improved [just a regular person, not some kinda power ranger]
special 3635779 [ish]
built to destroy
good natured
tag and pimp barter [pack rat] sneak and survival
no magic perks [rad child, silent running and such]
loadout [only unskilled weapons]
wasteland wanderer outfit/sherriffs duster
varmint rifle > ratslayer
9mm pistol > maria
knife > chopper
extras will be shovel, dynamite, and pew pew will be my anti bastard handcannon when i finally get it. [will not be seeking out danger til it's on my belt]
companions will be ede and veronica [wont improve her loadout]
only use doctors bags and repairing can happen when seated
no trade cept paying med bills [? not sure about this yet, may trade animal skins for water maybe]
only bottled water drunk [not from taps] still considering how frequent bottled water is out there
dead is dead
boost repair/med/science after main skills to become fully self sufficient
i think thats all for now i can think of
suggestions please for a more survival hardcoe immersive way to play
is there a food to reduce rads/can you craft radaway?