Stats effects.

Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:33 am

Hello, other Elder Scrolls fans, and hopefully administrators!

I was wondering if stats might have a little more effect then just the usual combat effects. Things such as physical looks, like more strength creates a more brawler look, or more intelligence adds more effective interactions with others and such? Also will weapons have more requirements to use, so a pure spell caster build character does hold the 2 handed hammer made of lead? Also anything else that might be effected by the stats such as eating more makes a fatter character. I feel like this would be a very cool thing to have but as well it is understandable if it is/was not added. I like a game when decisions effect your character even if those decisions are stats or eating.

I know I am bad at writing so if this is difficult to read or just does not make any sense imagine in the game "Black and White" the creatures became more muscular if they worked out and fatter if they ate more, etc.
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Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:27 pm

There are no stats in Skyrim, other than Heath, Mana, and Stamina.

It's the new Perks that you select on each level-up that give you benefits.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:59 am

Nope, there will be no stats in Skyrim, just magicka, health, and fatigue. I seriously doubt eating will effect your appearance either. At least I hope not. God I hate Fable.

You do have the option on the character creation screen to choose between a heavy or light body type and can of course alter them however you so please with the sliders.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:27 pm

As interesting as that would be to see, I think it would be difficult to have it impact the actual interactions (due to the sheer number of npcs) and the pc appearance without being too cartoony (like fable). In terms of weapon requirements i think the improve-as-you-use skill system makes up for this as alot of being able to effectively use a weapon is in the finesse/skill. Blades are more complicated than 'pointy end goes in the other guy', less so with heavy blunt weapons but not every system is perfect.
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