How does the Magicka (mana) bank work in Skyrim?

Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:27 pm

This question has probably been answered before, sorry if this has already been asked and addressed.

So we now know the Altmer racial bonus: HIGH ELF: regenerate Magicka more quickly

This is a change from Oblivion, which, if you remember correctly, granted a +100 magicka bonus. In addition to his, there are perks in each magic tree that allow for lower amounts of Magicka to cast a spell within that selected school. This has me thinking: Where and when exactly do we alter the size of our available Magicka? Is magic proficiency now only a result of magic regeneration and amount of magic needed for spell, not the size of your magicka bank?

So, if High Elves are not given a magicka bonus to begin with, and intelligence level no longer factors in, what dictates the size of your magicka bank? How do you increase it?

Any info would be appreciated.
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Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:45 am

Well we know for sure that you can put points into Magicka, Health or Stamina when you level.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:49 am

Well we know for sure that you can put points into Magicka, Health or Stamina when you level.

Thanks for the info, man.

Do we know if this is always a constant amount, or does the allowed increase change based on certain factors. Like, if you increased 10 magic skills, would you be allowed to make a greater increase than if you increased only 3?
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