A bit of background, I have the game on PS3 as does a friend of mine. My game loads everything it should. I've been playing since Christmas or so last year and been there for most of the patches, taking time off in between playthroughs of course. My friend just recently started playing in this past month, and thus began at patch 1.06 but has since obviously stayed current up to 1.07. The most recent available patch in any game usually includes all the prior patches if I'm not mistaken, however this is not the case for my friend. In his game for instance he does not have either of the companion dismissal terminals (added in 1.06), his companions walk instead of fast traveling when dismissed (unsure, but an early patch), his faction safehouses were not stocked upon entry (early patch), I noticed his Pew Pew's ammo capacity being 30 and taking 15 energy cells per shot, etc, etc.
I just got back from his house where I deleted his game data, all his dlcs (he has Classic Pack, don't ask why it took him so long to start playing, and has all 4 dlcs), then restored the file system on his PS3 (a trick I picked up to help keep the game running smooth). Then I reinstalled his NV disc which also obviously downloaded 1.07 onto his PS3, after downloading installing the patch and installing the disc I re-downloaded all his dlc then installed them in order. I hoped that when I loaded his most recent save file I'd simply fast travel to Gun Runners and see the companion dismissal terminal to validate he's fully patched. This was not the case, there was no companion dismissal terminal and so I knew my efforts were in vain.
To further test out this predicament I started a brand new character and crept along through McCarran straight ouf of Doc Mitchell's place and took the monorail into The Strip to check out the Lucky 38 then Gun Runners, still nothing. Along the way I even heard a Cazadore poison something around the Bonnie Springs area, which I know is something they fixed in one of the patches (to where you only hear the poison noise if it poisons your character). Sure enough after making it to the Lucky 38 and then to Gun Runners there were no companion terminals. I got all of the DLC messages and map markers, so they seem to be working fine (he has also played through OWB and says it worked great). I am just at a loss for why the previous patches don't seem to be loading in his game. Is there anyone who has any knowledge on the subject or any advice, because I'm fresh out. I really thought deleting the game data and re-installing everything would fix the problem...
Thanks if you got through the novel is just wrote and if you have any theories or information as to why this is happening.