LR Question w/ Spoiler

Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:36 am

I haven't yet played Lonesome Road, Honest Hearts or the Old World Blues downloadable content so I'll be straight; You can swear or hate and even steal my ice-cream if you want just please spoil this question for me.
I done some quick research into some random things and found that the X-17 Meteorological Station caused the Divide to be the Divide it is today. Was it really our courior? Apparently It was the subject of a meteorological experiment that went horribly wrong. It is these horrific meteorological activities that have ravaged the Divide.

Someone who has played the downloadable content, understands the story or anything just spoil this for me; I'm confused as it is! You can see the information yourself
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:30 am

Yes, that has little to do with why the divide is why it is what it's like.
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Nancy RIP
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