When I first started New Vegas, I whipped up my own Armoured Vault 13 Jumpsuit in the GECK, and decided that I'd play my Courier as if he was the son of my character from Fallout 2, and therefore from http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/New_Arroyo. Even though Fallout 2 ended with Arroyo becoming less tribal and more modern, I decided that my Chosen One wasn't exactly comfortable with civilised life, and preferred to wander the wastes, living off the land and, who eventually passed on his peoples traditions to his son, which is why the son became a courier- staying in one spot was never his style, and he only ever felt cramped in big cities.
Of course, you can make a tribal any way you want, but it'd work especially well if you have the http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Classic_Pack or the http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Tribal_pack. Of course, these aren't necessary- I made my own jumpsuit, for example.
The next big step in designing your tribal character is of course your skills. I tagged Melee, Survival, and because I love being a smooth-talker, I went with Speech. Of course, Guns is also a good skill to have, which I added with the Tag! perk. Stats can be however you want, but Agility, Strength, Endurance and Charisma were all important for my build.
But... the most important part of playing a tribal, beyond crafting everything (especially things like Healing Poultices and Weapon Binding Rituals), is of course your looks. So, here's a brief rundown of the sorts of weapons and armour I generally wear:
* Melee: Super Sledge (like http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Sulik, I love my big hammer), War Club, and of course my trusty Proton Axe for fighting robots.
* Thrown: Tomahawk, Knife Spear, Throwing Knife Spear and Throwing Spear. Although this can get heavy, so I generally go with one type at a time.
* Guns: Anything works here, but I never go anywhere without my That Gun (just like Uncle Sulik), Flare Gun and Survivalist's Rifle.
* You can also potentially use Yao Guai, Mantis, or Deathclaw Gauntlets or even Salt-Upon-Wounds' Power Fist as well, as well as anything else that tickles your fancy.
* Of course my dad's Armoured Vault 13 Jumpsuit.
* Chalk's Headdress (I never go without it).
* Marked Tribal Armour and Marked Scout Armour from Lonesome Road.
* Other possibilities include: Gecko-Backed Armour, Dead Horses Armour, White Legs Armour, Salt-Upon-Wounds Helmet, and Sorrows Armour from Honest Hearts, and Raider Armour and Fiend Helmets. I avoid Legion Armour, because they go against my character's beliefs, but you can be a Legion-loving tribal, too. Look at the White Legs, for example.
And lastly, there's perks. Anything works here, simply because a tribal can be anything you like, but I personally like Tribal Wisdom, Hunter, Walker Instinct and Animal Friend. Anything else really depends on your character build.
So, has anybody tried this? Does anybody want to try this?