The strength thing was an example. Ok if it's against the rules of modern society to do that example, how about bonuses instead?
Maybe what I'm asking is too much realism. Or maybe the world is still afraid to acknowledge men and women aren't the same. I shall take my views, put them inside a bag, and show myself the way out.
I don't think you're catching what I'm saying. :laugh: at all.
You are measuring the quality of people by an average statistic; a number. Individuals can and will deviate from that number. People are most certainly not planning to play as mr./ms. average in all ways person (dragon born!).
Are you suggesting that *all* women, no matter the background, upbringing, genetics, (or even species!) to be weaker than the average male. ? :flamethrower:
This was in OB. It never told you, but there were stat differences. Check UESP for full details, all I loosely remember is that men often had more strength, and woman, more intelligence.
Yea, but everyone had a stat limit of 100; no attributes in skyrim, so you might end up imposing an upper limit.