As of 723pm Sydney time, I have begun the download of the Gun Runners Stash add on. Not yet present in menu on the xbox, I accessed it through the in game Downloadable content section.
EDIT: I apologise for the crappy title. Was half asleep when typing it. Luckily I had some coffee to perk me up. All saved games deleted now its time to play Fallout New Vegas the way the devs do.
Bozar costs around 27,000 caps. Good thing I'm selling my stuff!
Thank god for Dead Money! :celebration:
What are the Bozar's stats like? Infact... Would anyone mind finding the Medicine Stick, buying it and telling me the stats on it? Just the damage and DPS, then fire it a bit a see if it feels faster or slower than the Brush Gun? I'd appreciate it. :wavey:
What are the Bozar's stats like? Infact... Would anyone mind finding the Medicine Stick, buying it and telling me the stats on it? Just the damage and DPS, then fire it a bit a see if it feels faster or slower than the Brush Gun? I'd appreciate it. :wavey:
Bozar has 26 damage with a 30 round clip. I don't know the DPS. I don't like it. The Medicine Stick has 126 damage and can hold 8 rounds, again unaware of the DPS. I also want to mention that the Medicine Stick has gotten much approved iron sights.