I ran into a strange issue yesterday trying to "createmaps" from the game: it turned out that all the shallow water areas in the game got mapped with a light grey texture instead of the correct dark blue. This has been reported http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1084044-repairing-the-cogs-of-morrowind-no-17/page__st__140 in a post by haplobartow in connection with the createmaps fix via Morrowind Code Patch.
It seems, however, MCP is not at fault here: I tried with a completely unpatched *.exe getting the same result:
During map generation the sky might turn black. The exteriors get rendered correctly, but it's pretty dark outside.
After rendering a few interiors, the sky might be normal again.
The mini-map (in the lower right corner of the screen) shows the land alright, but water is rendered light grey.
The generated bitmaps show a light grey texture where there should be water.
I am trying to pin down what causes this. Since I tried with and without the latest MCP and the only plugins loaded where Tribunal and Bloodmoon, since I also successfully ran createmaps on the same MoBo/OS but with a different graphics adapter my suspicion is: the culprit is the graphics card/driver. I am using a GTX285 graphics card with ForceWare 258.65 drivers on WinXP sp3.
So please, if you've got some time to spare (won't take long, I promise) could you help me out?
Here's how to: make sure you have a directory named "Maps" in your Morrowind game directory (where the "Data Files" folder is).
In Morrowind.ini, there's a line saying "CreateMaps=": make sure it reads "CreateMaps=2"
Launch the game - you might start a new game or load a saved one: it didn't make a difference in my testing. Call up the console and type
createmaps "Morrowind.esm"
when you press the console-key again, the mapping process will start. No need to wait until its finished for this could take some time and I promised you it won't take long :rolleyes:
please watch your mini-map: when coastal areas get mapped - does the water appear normal, like when looking at the mini-map in game? or is it an off white color?
Its pretty easy to spot if this happens; you can Alt-Tab your way back to the desktop (which btw. made Morrowind "crash" in my case) and have a look at the *.bmp files in your Maps directory. Yep. Same light grey water as in the mini-map. Not pretty.
If you test this, please write a brief reply stating your graphics card and driver version and of course, whether you encountered a problem or not. So something like "Radeon 4870, driver dunno, no problem" would be totally sufficient. And "GTX 470, 26x.something driver, no problem" is something I wouldn't even expect to happen. But if it does, I'd have to look elsewhere as to what causes this problem.
In any case, thank you very much for your help! :icecream: