A few more Skyrim previews from EuroGamer Expo

Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:36 am

Apologies if any of them was posted, just simply let me know, please!

I will talk like this

I assume he played a Nord.
So I went with the default barbarian and named him Thor,

Goes to show the MQ really is long!
It should be noted that the demo started me roughly 30 minutes after the game’s actual beginning – so as to avoid story spoilers.

Wait, another preview said there was no quest updates...
The main quest suggested that I drag my barbarous bones into a nearby village

Radiant AI at its best.
At first glance, it was just a run-of-the-mill bandit camp. However, as I approached, the camp’s two dirt-encrusted inhabitants didn’t immediately charge me, swords and voices raised. Instead, they attempted to warn me away. They obviously didn’t want any trouble.

Played on the 360.
even running on the Xbox

Immersion at its best!
And then, the moose. He bolted the second he caught wind of my approach, but I gave chase. Eventually, I cornered him – you know, with my back to the edge of a waterfall. Damn that moose; he was a tactical genius. Or just really lucky. Regardless, he was finally fed up with my attempts to engage him in a rousing game of hide-and-go-disturb-the-wildlife. So he gave me a graceful, majestic shove, and off I went. Right over a waterfall.
Surprisingly, I survived, and the water’s current – another new feature – yanked me about like a housecat whose curiosity guided it into a washing machine. Eventually, it deposited me at the base of the mountain,

Enchanted of is it Conjured?
provided that I got the jump on them with my glowing purple axe

Falmers have minions.
But then I discovered their insectoid pets – perhaps more horrifying than spiders,

The Falmer, however, had different plans. He froze me in my tracks with an ice spell, and then something equal parts awesome and depressing happened: A giant dwarven golem mech – practically radiant in its gold plating – sent its immaculate fist right into my largely immobilized face.

Crap, I hope there are no spawning bugs in the final build...
Fortunately, fate smiled on me for a brief moment. The ice giant, you see, glitched. He got himself stuck on a rock, so I bolted for the rune.

It seems the cave where the CC occurs IS our prison.

Luckily for me however I appeared to have been locked away in the most incompetent prison in Tamriel, as despite a very sturdy locked door the back of my cell has a huge hole in it. I headed out through my convenient escape tunnel (Andy Defresne is so jealous of me right now) into the snowy realm of Skyrim.

Once again, played on the 360.
Wow. While the general texturing might be showing off the 360’s age a bit, Bethesda have focused on making their game look better than Oblivion the only way they conceivably could have – through huge, jaw-dropping vistas.

Not sure if it grew or if it was just carrying them, but it seems you can harvest from Spriggan. Think about it...
It seemed to work fine, then I remembered that I could use the same spell in two hands for double the power, so I did that and created a massive flamethrower that torched the Spriggan - and drained my Magicka quickly. It died just in time, and some lovely herbs were mine. Yay.

I guess not ALL caves are not really in depth...
However, I’m sad to report one of the things I didn’t like about Oblivion raised its head. You see, in both Fallouts every single location you find has some sort of story to uncover. This was just a nice cave with some bandits and a bit of loot, and nothing else, which may be fine for a lot of people but that utterly bores me. I don’t want loot (unless it’s really really special), I want to find out more about the world I’m exploring. That’s what makes finding locations interesting for me, why I prefer Fallout 3/New Vegas to Oblivion and why I got bored of the last Elder Scrolls game. Hopefully this will improve in the final game.



As usual, I will edit OP for any key points...
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Big mike
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:24 am

It's interesting how one preview can say that the load times are "Short" and another say that they're "Long".

Likewise, this is the first I've heard of Frame Rate problems in a Skyrim Preview, outside of the all-too-familiar cell buffering stutters.

My best guess is that the preview build is quite volatile and unstable.
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:32 pm

Updated the OP with key points from the 1st preview, 1 downs 3 to go :D
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:55 am

Ah, thanks for these :)
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:22 pm

It's interesting how one preview can say that the load times are "Short" and another say that they're "Long".

People have different opinions? Woah!

That's why you can't trust previews, because they always interject their opinions, which may be completely different from yours when you actually play the game.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:16 am

#2 - "less typical fantasy and more Beowulf-y". lolwut? Juxtaposition much?
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:20 am

annoying orange text
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:35 am

People have different opinions? Woah!

That's why you can't trust previews, because they always interject their opinions, which may be completely different from yours when you actually play the game.

A long and a Short load time isn't really an "Opinion" though. Anyone gaming for over a year has an adequate frame of reference to tell you what constitutes a "Long" Load time and a short one. The same goes from unstable frame rate. These aren't really opinions.
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