well... maybe I dont understand this right. Most of you wrote like 4 skills.... but the way we increase our skills in Skyrim is by using them, so are you guys only going to use those 4 skills?
I mean this is an example of my "dream character":
I want to be an assasin kind of character.
In fights I am going to sneak, open with a bow to get the crits, then when I am noticed I want to switch to either DW daggers (that what I have heard svck if already noticed since you cant block) or one-handed sword + shield. If I get to close combat with a meele character I am going to need to block with the shield and I am going to (probably) take a few hits on my light armour. Skills that increase in combat are in this case going to be: One-handed, sneaking, Bow, Block, Light armour (5 skills)
Out of combat I want to:
Use alchemy to make potions and poisons (I will need to heal in some way), sneak around and lock-pick/break into places and smooth talk my way out of situations (cause thats the kind of guy my assasin is in public). Skills that increase: Alchemy, Lock-pick, Speach (3 skills)
Total 8 skills. With these skills I can get around the world of skyrim and handle all the situations I want to handle. Ofcourse some of them are going to be more of a minor skill, for example light armour (I dont want to get hit too much) and Speach (I would rather not find myself in these kind of situations in the first place), but they ARE going to increase! So I hope this aint too many because it would svck so much if all you could do was 4 different things, you get what I mean