ok last night, i had a very strange dream ( not what your thinking) i dreamed i was playing this really rich argonian in cheydinhall, she ownded the house there, and she owned 3 dogs

when i woke, i thought this theory through, and realised it is actually possible, albeit difficult, to take those dogs and make them your own, but you need to use consol commands and a good command spell.
heres the theory
STEP1: go up to her dogs, and cast command on 1,2 or if you want 3 or (is there) 4
STEP2: take the dogs back to your home, then using the consols, lock the door
STEP3: now they are yours,if you want to walk them, simply put a command spell on them!
ps. does anybody know if their is a consol command for changing the names of dogs :/
cc. fisher
pps. as anybody actually odne something of this sort?!?!