The Annual Character Spread Sheet

Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:49 pm

Here is a basic spread sheet to make a story for your character, Post your RP character!


Character Spread Sheet

Combat Specialization:
Crafting Specialization:
Karma Level:
[b}Background:[/b] (Any story, but make sure it ends with your character ending up crossing into Skyrim and being captured and sent to his death, try to include actual lore if you know it)
Retirement/After Story:(What will your character do after the main quest, will he settle down, or continue to grow stronger and adventure the land of Skyrim, and any other lands his journeys may take him)

Here is mine.

Character Spread Sheet

Name: Faren (Fair-in) Arglen (R-Glen)
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Combat Specialization: Warrior
Crafting Specialization: Weapon Smith
Karma Level: Good Karma
Background: Faren, young and eager he was at the age of 22. He lived in the Imperial City, seeing the Empire crumble under the unstable government that tried to take control after all heirs of Uriel Septim died out.
Riots broke out all across Cryodiil, only to continue to get worse. The teachings have the Elders have all been forgotten to the Thick headed Imperial races, who can only think about control of the land in which was not rightfully theirs. Something was coming to punish them all, and only one man could stop them... Faren, a Dragon Born. Faren had no idea of his special talent, and his true calling when he set out to find the rumored riches in the mountains of Skyrim. He set out with only basic items, a pick axe for mining the riches, a sword to defend himself from rabid beast and bandits, a cloth robe, and his family crest. He acted as if the Crest was a crutch, something that would keep him going through the worst of times.

Little did Faren know he was not born into the family he holds so dearly. A hundred years after the Oblivion gates closed, speakers of the Voice began to be persecuted and hunted for sport. Many felled in attempt as they were too weak, but then one of the speakers of the Voice began hunting others, believing he could absorb there knowledge and become very powerful. His name was Lauritz Groltin. The Voice speakers went into hiding from him, waiting for they day he died to come out again. Farens mother, fearing they would not survive burrowed her son in a basket that would later be mistaken as a berry basket and taken home by the picker. This pickers name was Gabriel Arglen. Gabriel opened the basket to a young babies face and a note attached to a blanket around the baby. The note read; "Faren Groltin - Son of Lauritz & Natasha Groltin, please take care of this child... the voices tell me he may play an important role in the future of Nirn."

From that day forward Faren was treated as if born into the Arglen Family. He worked on the farm, but much rathered mining in the caves. As a kid he liked to play games as if he was a super adventurer, capable of slaying the mightiest of foes. One day it all changed, his family home was burnt during a riot from a city a mile north of them. His family were killed and he had nothing left in Cryodiil, thats when he heard of the riches in Skyrim, and he set off.

He crossed Skyrim, only the find days latter guards hauling him to a cell, where he stayed for 6 years until he would hang on the noose.

Retirement/After Story:Faren has always been looking for a new family to call his own, he wants to settle down again, be in a peaceful environment and be normal. To long people have looked at him as if he would destroy the world itself, all because he was trying to save the world from destruction. He was Persecuted and feared by many, but then as his reputation grew they began to accept and love him, they would call him the Dovahkiin in time.
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:23 pm

Annual? you mean daily Spread sheet.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:54 pm

Annual? you mean daily Spread sheet.

Except i don't see another one, and Annual as in whenever a new Bethesda game comes out i put these up.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:37 pm

Annual? you mean daily Spread sheet.

I understand what you mean but it looks like this is a tradition for him so I will let it slide as well. It's not his fault everyone posts these sorts of things ;).

I found this doing a search on google. not sure if anyone will find it useful or not.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:13 pm

Male Nord
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:03 pm

These are just a few... that one was just made.

buuut yours does have a new aspect that none of the others seem to have: the after story/Crafting
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:09 pm

Name:Draconis Honditar (Dragon Hunter in Latin)
Combat Specialization:Sword n Spell and Dual Wield Spell
Crafting Specialization:Smithing And Enchanting
Karma Level:Neutral
[b}Background:[/b] (Any story, but make sure it ends with your character ending up crossing into Skyrim and being captured and sent to his death, try to include actual lore if you know it)
Retirement/After Story:He Carries On To Be A Master In Conjuration Onehanded Destruction Smithing Enchanting

Will carry on after school
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Stephanie I
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:21 am

Character Spread Sheet
Name:Draconis Honditar (Dragon Hunter in Latin)
Combat Specialization:Sword n Spell and Dual Wield Spell
Crafting Specialization:Smithing And Enchanting
Karma Level:Neutral
[b}Background:[/b] (Any story, but make sure it ends with your character ending up crossing into Skyrim and being captured and sent to his death, try to include actual lore if you know it)
Retirement/After Story:He Carries On To Be A Master In Conjuration Onehanded Destruction Smithing Enchanting

Will carry on after school
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:58 pm

Name: Aquilus
Race: Altmer
Gender: Male
Age: Between youngest and middle age
Combat Specialization: Magic
Crafting Specialization: Ummm.... Light Armor (whatever Elven Armor is in)
Karma Level: Neutral tending towards negative. I usually play as a Nihilist. I kill and destroy. If the choice were to present itself, I would aid Alduin in the world's destruction.
Background: I have drifted for hundreds of years. I have been to all places, they are all the same. I have met most men, they are all the same. I smile, I laugh, I joke, and I kill. Nobody understands the ephemeral. I show them. I hear the last words people have been practicing their whole lives. I came from Summerset Isles, I was a student learning from the greatest magicians alive. I learned everything they could teach me, exceeding all expectations. I was unsatisfied. It meant nothing. There was no wisdom in anything. So I killed my professor. I cast a silence spell on him and asked, "Where is your grace now? What has all your philosophy amounted to? To this." And then I stabbed him. I was exiled from the islands. Naturally, I was arrested in Skyrim for a few more deaths. I don't know. I hardly remember the faces that pass under my fire. This is why my character is to be executed. Praise be to Sithis, I am free to kill again!
Retirement/After Story: Finish all quests, gain all unique items, max every skill. After this, I'll kill every character in the game.
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Janette Segura
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:05 pm

Name: Gwyn Gwrach

Race: Altmer

Gender: Female

Age: 35

Combat Specialization: Restoration

Crafting Specialization: Alchemy

Karma Level: See this, kids? That's called a halo.

Gwyn Gwrach y Llanerch,White Witch of the woods, real name Ilirien Ehelar, earned the nickname from the local peasants as a child, when she constantly skipped her very expensive conjuration lessons to walk in the woods and pick mushrooms instead. Her parents were not happy, neither with her wilful attitude, or her desire to be an alchemist and healer when she grew up. "Being an Altmer Sorceress is a position of great worth, deserving of respect. An Alchemist is a mere tradeswoman." She left Summerset under a cloud after many violent arguments with her Noble, and therefore arrogant, father. Drifting across Tamriel, she acquired a taste for the 'tavern lifestyle', and spent more time getting in trouble with the human law than she did helping people with her healing skills. In an effort to remedy this, she took an apprenticeship as a healer in the temple of Dibella. This was short lived however, as the secret drinking habit was made public after a drunken pass at her tutor. She resolved to head north. There was trouble in Skyrim. Civil war brewing. She still remembered her destruction and illusion lessons, she owned a sharp blade, and no one seemed to mind when any mercenaries got good and drunk. Surely in a situation like this, even the Mer hating Nords would have work for a healer, or anyone who knew the most basic fire spell? Apparently not, as the semi drunken encounter with the Nordic border guards was soon to prove.

Retirement/After Story: Still practicing medicine, still treating the poor for free, still over charging the wealthy. Using her influence to turn the College of Winterhold into an institution to be respected, not feared or viewed with suspicion.
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:34 am

Name : Fyrisi Llerayn
Race : Dunmer (Dark Elf)
Age: 28
Gender : Male
Body Type : 5'10'' Slender Muscular
Combat style : Dual Wielding Ranger
Weapon/s : Dual cutlass/short sword or Short sword/dagger combo
Clothing/armor : Dark Leather/hood (cloak if possible)
Hair : white
Eyes : red
Home : still searching

Story :
Born to a mother and father, both members of the Dark Brotherhood, he was raised to be an elite assassin, the perfect killer. The dark faction honed his body and his mind into an instrument of death... But his heart was untouchable. An inner war between his morality and his existence came to a dramatic conclusion when he was given his first contract: The warranted death of a child. His heart held his blade. Knowing that his life as well as the child became forfeit by his decision to spare her life, he took the child and left Cyrodiil, to the land of Valenwood.
Days turned to months with no sign of pursuit. Eventually, he and the child found shelter in the town called Haven, on the second floor of a 'hole-in-the-wall' tavern. But the dark faction were unforgiving. In the brotherhood's poetic darkness, it was Fyrisi's mother and father that tracked him down. Thinking their lives safe, Fyrisi left the child alone in their upstairs room, for just a moment, to purchase some bread and salted pork. On his departure, he plucked a single hair from head and wedged it between the door and the frame. As he passed through the tavern, he could feel extra eyes on his crossing. Something was off. As he reached the threshold of his door, he stopped and searched for any sign of disturbance.

The hair strand was still intact.

Time slowed as he entered the room. The view of his mother standing before him, blade placed upon the crying child’s throat, left him frozen in place. Though his senses were numbed for just a moment, it was a moment that gave his father the chance he needed to slip his own blade under the throat of Fyrisi.

“Hair in the door?” his father whispered in his ear. “Who do you think trained you, boy?”

A grim smile crossed his father’s face as he glanced from Fyrisi to his wife. The infectious smile found its way to his mother’s face. In Stunning revelation, Fyrisi screamed his denial of the coming actions. Without a second thought, his mother’s blade cut deep into the child’s throat, ending her cries forever. Tears fled his eyes as Fyrisi watched the last of the child’s life blood flow away from her body. His mother gazed upon her son with a feigned expression of sadness.

“Oh my dear, dear child,” she said as she walked towards Fyrisi, “To watch this poor child lay before must pain you so.”

She stopped only inches away from his face and caressed his cheek softly. As she leaned forward to kiss his forehead, she wiped away the tears flowing from his eyes. She pulled back and gazed directly into his tear-filled eyes.

“Let me take this wretched sight from your eyes my son.”

A smile spread across her face as Fyrisi’s father tightened his grip on him. With the same blood stained blade she killed the child with, she dug dip into Fyrisi’s eye socket and twisted slowly. Waves of pain ran through his body, but he showed no expression beyond his body tensing in response. No. He would not submit to the pain he felt. His thought fell inward. Perhaps he deserved such a fate as this… But not the child.

A simmering rage burned within Fyrisi Llerayn, that has never been felt before. His father loosened his grip at the heat he felt seething from his son’s body. His mother stopped her blade’s approach to his other eye for the same reasoning. Both his parent’s stepped away from Fyrisi at the heat they now felt upon their own skin. They looked to each other once more, but no infectious smile could be found. Blood poured from the wound that was once his eye. With his remaining eye, he gazed upon the fallen child's body one last time before his vision faded into red. At that defining moment, Fyrisi roared out in furious defiance a word he knew not, sending his mother and father through the splintered walls of the second floor room, above the tavern. His parents' bodies fell dead before they hit the ground. Fyrisi, with the loss of blood and expulsion of energy, fell unconscious to the ground.
Fyrisi awoke to find himself in the company of an elderly Bosmer. Consciousness faded to and fro with scattered visions of the elderly Wood-elf performing healing rituals over his broken eye. He felt his missing eye tingle with new sensations of life. His blind eye held vision in a new ability. He could see out of it, but not in the sense of vision he was accustomed to. This old Wood elf had done something to him that he could not explain. Nor could he explain why this Bosmer had helped him in the first place. Confusion painted Fyrisi’s face, obvious enough for the Bosmer to reply.

“She was my granddaughter. The child. I heard what happened,” he sighed, “You tried Fyrisi, and for that much I cannot thank you enough.”

He peered into Fyrisi’s ‘new’ eye.

“Your vision was beyond repair, I’m afraid,” he continued, “At least the only form of vision you’ve ever known.”

He paused to let Fyrisi catch up with what his words.

“What you see, how you see the world, is through your mind’s eye,” he continued, “Everyone has a ‘mind’s eye,’ Fyrisi, but not everyone understands how to use it, or what the abilities are. This is the gift I’ve given you. The only gift I can give you.”

The days turned to weeks as Fyrisi learned to cope with his new eye and his new abilities. His elderly host granted him the time he needed and even taught him how to turn his ‘mind’s eye’ off if needed. Fyrisi came to learn that this old Bosmer was once a renowned Ranger, but as age took his body, he became an acclaimed Shaman.

Feeling stronger than he had before, Fyrisi understood that it was time to move on. He had one more end to tie up. His inherited vengeance was far from quenched. He returned to the place he once called home, he returned to the people that taught him everything he knew; the Dark Brotherhood. Death came to his native branch of the dark faction.

In his studies as a pupil, Fyrisi was taught that in all the regions of Tamriel, there was none more primative than the lands of Skyrim. It was there, Fyrisi would seek refuge from the shadow of the Dark Brotherhood. As he crossed into the freezing borders of Skyrim, Fyrisi felt something tingle inside him. A tingle that sparked the memory of his parents demise. He never fully understood what took place that day, but at that moment, something told him that he would find his answers soon.


In the dark of night, Fyrisi crossed into the frozen borders of Skyrim. Seeking shelter from the cold, he happened across a lit campfire. Unsure of the men that surrounded the encampment, he circled the troupe hoping to gain a better understanding. Without too much examining, Fyrisi could tell the men were soldiers of Nordic decent. Weighing out his options Fyrisi, concluded that he was unsure of their intent, but was certain that if he didn't find warmth soon, he would surely die. As he slowly made his way towards the campsite, Fyrisi took note that the amount of tents displayed outnumbered the number of men surrounding the fire. Before he could react, four well armed soldiers surrounded him. He immediately scolded himself for such a simple oversight. Though Fyrisi was nothing more than a lonely traveller, the men viewed him as a spy- a well known profession for his race. He gave no resistance as the men took him as their prisoner. No words were spoken to him and no explanation was asked of him. He was a spy, there was nothing more to say- Death awaited him now.

In game: He seeks refuge in the wilderness, hiding from both the Dark Brotherhood and his own guilt. Once a promising assassin, now he uses his skills to guide his life through nature, becoming a Ranger.

After Story: Fyrisi was a Ranger before the foretold events happened, and he's a Ranger afterwards. The only difference now: before, he was forced, out of necessity, to go into the cities/villages, now he welcomes the oppurtunity. He is still hunted by the Dark Brotherhood. But now they hold no fear in his heart.


Name : Kalibor Wind-Walker
Race : Nord
Age: 26
Gender : Male
Body Type : 6'5'' muscular/stout
Combat style : Dual Wielding warrior
Weapon/s : Dual wielding short swords/maces/axes
Clothing/armor : Light armor
Hair : bald+full beard
Eyes : emerald green
Home : complicated

Story :
Skyrim was a land he never knew, though his blood knew it as his native home. His mother died during his birth. His father (a Ranger), broken by the loss of his love, bore his child south; to lands and tongues foreign to their own. They became nomads, travelling from land to land, from town to town. When it came time to gather up and travel to the next destination, his father would simply explain their direction with a single word, whether it be territory, town, or country. His father, finding work of all trades, some jobs less desirable than others and a few he could never speak of without hanging his head. But he loved his son and desired to give him only the best. With the money he made, he spent on an lessons for his son that few people, and fewer Nords, received. Though he educated by great scholars in every tongue spoken in Tamriel, trained by some of the most esteemed fighters and rogues in all the lands, Kalibor's most valued lessons came from his father's own words of wisdom. He was taught the ways of a good man, true to be true to his own heart. As Kalibor grew to be a man, he noticed that from time to time, his father would look at him with saddened eyes. He could tell that his father desired to tell him what pain laid buried beneath... But he never did and Kalibor never pushed the point.
One day, Kalibor awoke to find his father was missing. Stepping out of the room his father and he shared, he made his way up the stairs into the tavern above. Their he found his father wrapping up a conversation with a fellow Nord. He turned from the stranger and locked eyes with his son . The look on his father's pale face was wrought with stress and fear.
"I must talk with you this night," his father exhaled, "but for now, I must make a small trip North, to the border and you WILL stay here." The stern tone of his father's voice at the end of the sentence told Kalibor not to argue otherwise. It was late in the night and his father still had not returned. Kalibor grew concerned to the point where he cared not for his father's subtle threat and gathered some belongings. Just as he turned to leave their room, the door burst open, with his father pale as a ghost, clutching his chest. Kalibor caught him as he fell to the ground. His father's breathing came with labor. As he gazed upon the man he grew to know as 'larger than life,' he knew, with weeping eyes, that his father was dying. His father's eyes beckoned him to come closer. In a final breath, his father whispered a single word that gave Kalibor the direction of his next destination: "Skyrim."

Crossing into Skyrim, he is immediately seized and considered a traitor for reasons he knows not. He would see this through, knowing full-well that his father knew of greater plans for Kalibor, and trusted in the spirit of his father that he would make it out of this alive.

In game: Unsure of his place in the happenings of Skyrim or what his next step should be, Kalibor makes his way to the first village he finds. He accidentally lands himself in a simple life. A job he is satisfied with, a roof over his head, and even a woman to love him. During a trip to a nearby city he and his wife were making to sell goods for profit, they were attacked a dragon. His wife did not survive the encounter, but he did... barely. This is the catalyst that sets Kalibor in the direction the prophecy set for him, the direction his father set for him. Kalibor is Dovahkiin.

After Story: Kalibor, fulfilling his part in the prophecy- seeks a simpler life once more. But as long as there are dragons there will be the Dovahkiin.
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:45 pm

Name: Aquilus
Race: Altmer
Gender: Male
Age: Between youngest and middle age
Combat Specialization: Magic
Crafting Specialization: Ummm.... Light Armor (whatever Elven Armor is in)
Karma Level: Neutral tending towards negative. I usually play as a Nihilist. I kill and destroy. If the choice were to present itself, I would aid Alduin in the world's destruction.
Background: I have drifted for hundreds of years. I have been to all places, they are all the same. I have met most men, they are all the same. I smile, I laugh, I joke, and I kill. Nobody understands the ephemeral. I show them. I hear the last words people have been practicing their whole lives. I came from Summerset Isles, I was a student learning from the greatest magicians alive. I learned everything they could teach me, exceeding all expectations. I was unsatisfied. It meant nothing. There was no wisdom in anything. So I killed my professor. I cast a silence spell on him and asked, "Where is your grace now? What has all your philosophy amounted to? To this." And then I stabbed him. I was exiled from the islands. Naturally, I was arrested in Skyrim for a few more deaths. I don't know. I hardly remember the faces that pass under my fire. This is why my character is to be executed. Praise be to Sithis, I am free to kill again!
Retirement/After Story: Finish all quests, gain all unique items, max every skill. After this, I'll kill every character in the game.

Geez! Your cold, have an ice cream :icecream:
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:32 pm

Name: Haakon
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Combat Specialization: Sword and Thu'um
Crafting Specialization: None
Karma Level: I do not believe in Karma. But if you must know, my character is an honorable type who adheres to honesty, bravery, and goodwill toward others.

Background: Haakon is a full blooded Nord that has spent his years traveling with his father and mother on the outskirts of Skyrim. Both his mother and father can use thu'um, but not to the degree of the Voice Masters and Greybeards. One day, his parents are assassinated in front of him. He engages the attackers killing most of them quickly, but then gives chase when the lone survivor flees across the border into Skyrim. When Haakon seizes the surviving enemy, he finds out from this man that the group of assassins had been hired by several Daedric Shrine worshippers. In rage, Haakon lets out a yell of anguish and spite, which inadvertantly kills the assassin because of Haakon's inherited thu'um. Apparently his father and father's forefathers have insulted the Daedric Princes on several occasions by foiling plan after plan of daedric mischief. Haakon has now come face to face with the demonic war his parents had hoped to shield him from, and Haakon is permanently scarred in his soul. The thought of daedra will always bring a snarl to his visage more than it ever did before. (he will not do Daedric Shrine quests, since he sees them as evil; it doesn't matter how awesome the reward may be)

Retirement/After Story: He will probably tinker with smithing and other miscelaneous skills while he roams. (I will keep him for Skyrim Expansions)
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krystal sowten
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:53 am

That's a great story Fyrisi; I really enjoyed reading it. Now I need to come up with something grand :read:
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luke trodden
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:32 pm

Race: Argonian

Gender: Male

Age: physically around 26

Name: Taer, "slave", "worthless skink"

Fighting style: Multi-weapon proficiency as situation demands, Sneak attacks for large initial hits and then cornering the enemy in melee, with mid to close range damage magic if needed, overall extremely offensive, relying on overwhelming and severely crippling or killing rapidly before the enemy can react. Doesn't play fair, exploits all advantages, no respect for the fallen.

Motto: "If my enemies were truly worthy, they would not be dead."

Attitude: A calculating and twisted individual who would see family and mates as objects, they would not be his loved ones...but rather his "possessions". He is a ruthless, sadistic, bloodthirsty, equal opportunity killer. Dunmer, Argonian? Mere labels that in the end are meaningless. Those who are weak exist to be used and abused, and those who make the mistake of standing in his way will be crushed. For him, the pursuit of power knows no bounds.

Distinguishing features: Distinctive and not might call it a terrible waste on such a monster. Pale scale coloration...not albino, not white but more tarnished, as though he once held within the possibility of being a kindhearted soul..a poor or perfect "cover" for such a "book", depending on who you ask. Healthy, muscular and wiry build. Taller than average, but perpetually stooped in somewhat of a combat ready posture..ready to spring forth and sink his blades into flesh..or to choke the last gasping breaths from his victims. Lacks the typical Argonian accent and mannerisms. His eyes possess a chilling deadness to them, like gazing into the eye of a storm. His teeth are somewhat unnaturally sharpened and edged, giving him an especially unsettling grin.


Born "little" Talmas of Black Marsh. His grandfather, Talmas, was a world weary Argonian, one of the "heroes" that secured Argonian control of Morrowind. He was a great warrior mage, and eventually returned home, to check on his youngest son, and found his small community suffering many hardships. As he rested wearily after his journey, his son and his son's mate murdered him in his sleep and sold his body, equipment, and their own son, named after him, into illegal slavery in exchange for enough wealth to move on. The child and heirlooms were sold to a Dunmer matron, who lost them in a bet with a Dunmer mage lord.

The lord did not have much use for him, and regarded the Argonian child the way one might regard an unwanted pet that had been inherited from a relative, having expected an older and more self-sufficient reward. The lord's servant, a bound Dremora Warlord however, saw potential in the child and took to raising him for non-altruistic purposes. He trained the child and infused him with controlled doses of otherwordly magic for years, the Argonian mastered every weapon, learned to intimidate his opponents, and most importantly, learned to kill without remorse. When his training was complete, it had forged him into something....other.

His body became taut and sinewy, his chiseled muscles forged in the flames of intense training and magic induced perfection. His combat prowess and potential magnified, tenfold, far beyond what others of his kind could ever even dream of achieving. The biggest development of all though, was within. Deep inside, he was something far more monstrous than even the Dremora.

When it came time for him to secure his "foster father's" coup against the Dunmer lord, he did as he was told and slaughtered every single person, pet, animal, slave, child, and dinner guest at the household. His Dremora "father" included. Taking whatever heirlooms and weaponry they possessed.

As he left, he did not even spare so much as a sidelong glance back at his grandfather's possessions that he had been sold with. He either didn't know they were "his", or simply did not care. He was utterly detached from his Argonian heritage, the word, the distinction did not even matter to him. Devoid of their culture, their ideology, their habits and customs, not even speaking like they did. Indeed, he was an Argonian by appearance only, as he himself did not consider himself to be one, but rather something altogether different and superior. That day, he took upon himself the name Taer, as it sounded to him like the word terror, which he instilled in others.

Eventually he spent years tracking down his parents. The very same parents that had butchered his namesake and sold him into slavery, stealing away any opportunity he might have had to lead a normal life. When he found them, he thanked them, and then killed them, and butchered every bystander that watched and did nothing. There was no sign of anger or regret. No, this was not about vengeance, or justice, this was about putting his past to rest. And as he sat there drenched in blood, he appeared serene. Focused. He could feel the beginning of great power stirring from within, and it urged him onwards, to sate its hunger.

He traveled across the land, killing anyone and anything that would dare to face him. He went about taking any job available, as long as it landed him in the thick of battle, and sought out masters and trainers across the land to learn as much as he could from them, and then murder them. Eventually, he was "captured" and prepared for execution. It all worked out better than he would have expected, all records of his existence would soon be erased. He was being moved towards Skyrim, the land that called to him. When he makes his escape, he will be able to at last seek his destiny unfettered by the past.

Despite his brutal nature, he is startlingly intelligent and disciplined, he knows when to stay his wrath, when to don the mask of civility, and he knows how to lie in wait and bide his time, perhaps for years at a a true predator. All the more frightening that he was not traumatized into what he is. He chose it of his own free will, taking and learning everything he could from his trainer before deciding that he no longer had any use for him, or the life he was currently living.

He views all other races as worthless and flawed in their own unique ways, other Argonians, he sees as being primitive, backwards, "less" than he is, and Dunmer as having had the right ideas, but in the end were proven to be pretenders and hypocrites...being just as weak and pathetic as the other races behind their mask of culture and undeserved superiority.

However, he has taken great pains to intrinsically "learn" of his people and their ways, if for no other reason than practicality: Passing bluffs, appearing to be the real deal, taking advantage of the usual kinship held between others of his race, and like with all combat techniques...integrating whatever worthwhile strategy, tactics, and maneuvers he can pry out and perfect as his own, while exploiting any inherent vulnerabilities and flaws in the unrefined techniques of his opponents. Indeed, he is blind to all knowledge that will not in some way give him leverage over others, either by making him a more efficient killer, or better manipulator. Even his connection with the Hist is strangled and twisted, and he is an invasive stranger to them.

No gods, no masters, he answers only to the burning fires of ambition within his heart.

And....that is my decidedly warped Argonian character who I will be terrorizing Skyrim with.

As for Retirement/After Story....I'm not sure yet. But what I am sure of, is that many will wish that he was dead.
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Andrea P
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:06 pm

That's a great story Fyrisi; I really enjoyed reading it. Now I need to come up with something grand :read:


(i have to agree Fyrisi allways has some really good character creations with kool bakground stories)
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:03 pm

Name: Elinroth
Race: Wood-Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Combat Specialization: Archery and War Axes
Crafting Specialization: Master Alchemist
Karma Level: I'm a thief that has no problem with killing someone. I like to drink, fight, and smoke. I'm a Bosmer with authority issues and I discriminate against men.

[b}Background:[/b] When he first hears he's Dragonborn, he laughs in the face of the man that delivers the news. He believes he's been spared from death for no reason and contunies independent theivery and hunting as he roams the country side seeking financial stability. Eventually he starts to realize that he has unexplainable gifts and begins to ponder the thought that a Bosmer from Valenwood might actually be Dovahkin. He accepts his destiny and rises to the occassion to stabalize Skyrim despite his hatred for the race of men.

Retirement/After Story: Elinroth has always enjoyed hunting, and crafting potions/poisons. He sells the hide and some of his potions/poisons for gold and makes a living from this. When the main quest has come to pass, he will settle into a cabin in the woods with his wife and chill out overall. He won't be nearly as racist, he'll never really steal once he's accumulated enough wealth to dimish the purpose of stealing. He'll never stop exploring and will never fast travel. Elinroth lives to plunder dungeons and breathe the fresh mountain air
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:06 am

This is stupid and lame and I want in:

Name: Vereldaen
Race: Dunmer
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Combat Specialization: Spellsword
Crafting Specialization: Enchanting
Karma Level: Morality's not a number
Background: Originally a resident of Port Telvannis, Vereldaen is the son of an Altmer battlemage, from whose family he takes his name, and his Dunmer mistress, a low-ranking retainer of House Telvanni. He grew up training to be a bodyguard under his father's tutelage, in the hopes of securing a lucrative and politically advantageous position in an allied lesser house. His mother was involved in a power grab that went awry. In response to the attempted coup, the house wiped out Vereldaen's. His parents were among the many killed in the purge, and he survived only by fleeing, scattering into the sea amongst a host of others now exiled. With nothing remaining for him at home, he swore to return and take vengeance one day, but for now sought out long-lost relatives he hoped still existed in Skyrim. He spent every penny he had smuggling himself safely to the mainland and staying underground, keeping company with bandits and smugglers, so as to keep out of sight of any Telvanni agents that might still consider him a threat. One fateful day, he lay in the bottom of a cart loaded with skooma as it tried to cross the border. It was spotted by local authorities and those he'd paid to transport him were all arrested or killed. He was assumed to be one of their number and taken away to be executed.
Retirement/After Story: This is a joke, right? I haven't even played the game. The story hasn't started, how can I predict the ending?
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Matt Terry
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:48 pm

Character Spread Sheet

Name: Umbrason
Race: Bosmer
Gender: Male
Age: 84 (but looks around 28)
Combat Specialization: Poisons and Archery
Crafting Specialization: Alchemy
Karma Level: Like all true bosmer, he is beast at heart - and while he creates the fascade of a civilized being, deep down he sees all as prey or predator - and will kill anyone for anything.
[b}Background:[/b] The son of an century old assassin named Umbra - leader of the Cyrodil branch of the dark brotherhood. He moved to Skyrim to kill the dragon-born before his destiny was revealed and steal his soul using black soul gems... His father who has mastered many forms of daedric magic placed the soul of the dragonborn into him. His life mission is to pose as the true dragonborn, complete the destiny then use the powers gained to return Nirn back to it's wild state - without imperialist city dwelling war mongering men. Effectively freeing all beast life on Nirn.
Retirement/After Story: Can't tell yet. But the plan is to free all enslaved beasts and trees by ending skyrim of all man-kin.

2nd Char

Name: Mute Od Dinai
Race: Dunmer
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Combat Specialization: H2H, Dagger/Short Sword and Axe - in any combination.
Crafting Specialization: Blacksmithing
Karma Level: Combat...
[b}Background:[/b] Mute as a child, Od Dinai was considered a spiritual prodigy amongst his tribe in Morrowind. His muted way never left him, but at the age of 13 - seeing bandits grab his mother - he sprung into action. The 13 year old Dunmer teen ran at incredible pace at one of the bandit archers, grabbed the arrow the archer had already notched - snapped the arrow head off and cut the bandit's throat. He slid an axe from the same bandit's waist and took it to the knees and heads of the other two bandits. His mother saw him no longer as a child, and sent him to Skyrim to help his kin survive. Never did Od Dinai look puzzled, confused or worried - his silence appears to be voluntary, and wisdom appears to live behind his eyes - one of which was white-blind from birth.

When travelling to Skyrim he got into a fight with a Redguard who continuously prodded a response for him. He killed the Redguard with a punch to the neck. Someone noticed, another Redguard who wanted to pit Od Dinai against combatants in the Arena. Od Dinai was poisoned by an arrow - and woke up chained to a pillar in an Arena... He was forced to fight almost every day for 15 years, but one day - a myserious Altmer came to fight - a slave himself... The Altmer, with an eye for divinity saw something in Od Dinai and freed him. Od Dinai, now free from his chains sprinted into the Bloodworks, where he fought and killed the entire collection of warriors. Leaving the arena, dressed in robes found on a mage he destroyed - he walked out, took the money from outside of the Arena and ran north, as fast as possible.

He finally got to Skyrim, and just over the border, of treaturous mountain sides and snow - in bare feet, he was found by a group and imprisoned. He looked like a murderer on the run, and killed one of the group in defense. He now awaits execution.

Retirement/After Story:
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:04 pm

I haven't done one of these in awhile, but they do pop up quite a bit.

Name: Christopher. (Named after me since my first character is basically played the way I would)
Race: Nord
Gender: Yes please. Err, Male.
Age: 25 - ish.
Combat Specialization: Sword and board most likely, with a bit of magic.
Crafting Specialization: Everything slowly being evolved evenly.
Karma Level: Neutral. His actions vary from bad to good depending on the situation, so he's in the middle.
Background: Very simple, the guard captain in Town X had his way with his wife and then killed her. In a fit of rage my character kills him. As such he's sent to his homeland of Skyrim for a traditional Nord execution.
Retirement/After Story: Depends. He'll evolve as the story gets on. He may be a bitter hero, a psychopath, or the knight in shining armour, or anything in between by the end. I play TES by ear, especially the first time around.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:10 am

Name: Gydrich, past alias: "Black Hat"
Race: Bosmer, Wood Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Combat Specialization: Favors the Long Bow for swift silent kills, and short blades of all types in close combat. Prefers to strike from shadow, laying waste to foes without being detected. Heavy use of poisons to guarantee the kill. Thief with traits of Assassin are his major archetypes.
Crafting Specialization: Alchemist & Hunter
Karma Level: Lawful Neutral
Prefers to keep his violent and confusing past from others, so not much is known to even those closest to him. Seeking a new beginning, and a quest for redemption from a previous life of treachery and betrayal. Gyd has seen many of his comrades die, and has taken a vow to change his ways and become a defender of peace. Taking up the mantle of a simple adventurer and quest seeker, he desires to traverse Tamriel, and see the wonders of the world.

Before his dream can even begin to take form, he is caught up in a border war between factions and is mistaken for a high ranking general who happened to be a Bosmer. Trying to defuse the situation through his new found sense of honor and purpose, he is only dragged deeper into his predicament. Eventually an execution is planned and with no viable non-violent solution, he is forced to kill his captors and escape. Fleeing into the foreign land of Skyrim, he has been branded an outlaw, with a hefty bounty for capture. Being so out of his element and out of practice since his days of combat, Gyd is eventually captured and taken into custody, sentenced to die yet again. A prisoner with no hope left, until an unexpected path opens up before him...

Retirement/After Story: After concluding his business with Skyrims troubles, Gyd finally finds time to accomplish his goals of traveling the countryside and simple adventuring. With another bloody period of his life behind him, albeit a courageous one, he is free to escape out of history. A solitary existence atoning for a wasted life of constant sin is all that remains for Gydrich.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:54 pm

Light RP'er here. :)

Name: Radam Knifh?gg (Not sure yet. This was my Nord name, when I swayed between Nord and Imperial. I could keep the name and pretend I'm of both Nordic and Imperial heritage though, or just roll with the name and ignore the fact that it doesn't sound Imperial.)
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 20-30
Combat Specialization: Assassin
Crafting Specialization: Mainly alchemy
Karma Level: Good guy that murders bad guys.
Background: I'll come up with a story over the course of my playthrough, or perhaps I will just ignore the past and only focus on the present.
Retirement/After Story: He will continue to seek adventures in Skyrim and rid the province of enemies to the Empire.
Other: He still prays for Talos, whatever the reason the Empire has banned Talos worship for. In addition he also worships Meridia, Hircine and Nocturnal.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:45 am

Name: Henrik
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Combat Specialization: sword 'n board/Bow
Crafting Specialization: No idear (yet)
Karma Level: Mostly good
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Chris Guerin
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