» Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:28 pm
I know those are 3 consecutive words from that page, but it could work nicely. Triggers the ability to see the next few moves an enemy will make - perhaps stops time briefly, and a shadow or ghost form of your enemy performs their next few moves, before you snap back to real-time.
EDIT: Bahlok-Do-Klo
Turns the ground to quicksand, which pulls enemies downwards, slowing them, rendering them immobile or even fully swallowing slower/smaller foes. Think of that bit in Jumanji.
EDIT2 (This is fun!): Krah-Krein-Nus
Summons a star whose beams of light turn anyone they hit to stone or ice.
EDIT3 (I'm on a roll): Zindro-Roh-Staadnau
The player is unable to be staggered, paralysed, slowed, or have their movement affected in any way. They gain unstoppable momentum and can knock any enemy aside simply by walking or charging through them.