[Eureka] Holsters made (comparatively) Easy

Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:41 pm

Holsters. Inexplicably, they are absent both in FO3 and FONV. For some reason, gamesas discovered how to do scabbards properly and easily in Oblivion and decided to just toss it out the window in Fallout 3.

We modders tried various ways to make holsters; a generic apparel item sized to fit most handguns, clever usage of armor addons, etc.

But (unless I'm late to the party :unsure: ) the answer may have been right under our noses the whole time: Backpack nodes.

Upon dissecting the Katana mesh in GRA, I discovered how they got the scabbard to work within an individual nif, without need for armor addons or any of that stuff. Lo and behold, a Backpack node, and all the various setup parts.

Inspired, I decided to try it myself. I unburied my http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8751 mesh from FO3 and went to work.

On a technical level, it was a success: the mesh properly appeared and moved in sync with the pelvis bone as was intended.

However... my alignment of the mesh was considerably off. I thought it'd be as simple as just positioning the holster mesh in nifskope opposite the katana scabbard mesh used as a reference.

Instead... http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/5599/magnumholsterpocoops.jpg. :facepalm: :lmao:

I'll get to figuring out how to align it tomorrow. For now... sleep.
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:16 am

What.. what is she doing with that?

...actually, I don't want to know.

P.S.: Nice job, btw. I'm not quite as interested in holsters as other people probably are, but if this works, it's good stuff for the community.
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Taylah Illies
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