With new weapons like the Two-Step Goodbye, which has a 4x critical multiplier, is it possible to get 100% critical chance? I realize mathematically it is, when you factor in Light Touch, Finesse, Elite Riot Gear, 1st Recon Beret, etc., but is there a maximum attainable critical chance (like the maximum 85% DR for armor in Fallout 3). Is there a critical percentage ceiling, or can you go all the way up to (and beyond) the 100% mark?
Ulysses' Duster (5%)
10 Luck (10%)
Finesse (5%)
Built to Destroy (3%)
1st Recon Beret (5%)
28% crit total.
Light touch +5% additional crit. (is not multiplied, only added)
100% crit on Two-Step
75% crit on Lucky (True Police Stories makes it 100%)
61% crit on x2 weaponry (True Police Stories makes it 81%)
33% crit on x1 weaponry