I've been lazy again have not managed my string variables properly.
I.e.: I've created string_vars over the same variable names without destroying (with sv_Destruct) their previous data.
So, I've started to get this:
Loading strings WARNING: substantial numbers of string variables exist for the following files (may indicate savegame bloat): kuerteeSimpleVampirismExpanded.esp (157 strings)
I used to get it in my other mods: Battle Fatigue and Injuries, and Alternative to death and reload.
They're easy to do a clean save on, because their data is non-critical to the player's progress.
However, Simple Vampirism Expanded's effects are too important that restarting it from a clean save is not ideal.
(It does have a facility that checks the length of time the player was a vampire and set its effects from that.
But that facility is more so that players can start playing the mod from their mid-game.
Players who've played the mod from start, wouldn't want random effects from that facility.)
What's the best way to remove unnecessary String_vars from the saved-game?
Note that I've already added a sv_Destruct
However, I can guess that previous string_vars that shows up in the log are from data that's been disconnected from the variable because I simply created new data over the same variable name.
Does this make sense? If so, help would be appreciated.