>The standard of the Vanilla houses was fairly poor - they were unremarkable and had little support for making them your own, let alone for displaying all your treasures. Decent houses had to be modded in, many of which had huge support for display, even mannequins on which you could put gear.
>The grab controls were extremely fiddly and most of the time was spent trying to place the items properly. Frequently you'd knock over everything you just placed, while trying to position the next object. Books were nigh on impossible to put on a shelf. Eventually I had to install a mod which allowed me to move objects properly, without risk of destroying everything I just did.
>The was nowhere near the same volume of different clutter objects in Oblivion as there was in Morrowind, which had about 8 different sets of croquery and cutlery and dozens more unique objects (Dwemer Puzzle Box ftw!). I actually went as far as to install a museum/guild of archaeologists mod in Oblivion, which had loads of cool stuff, which I promptly stole and and put in my house.
>Your houses in Oblivion meant nothing. There was nothing you could do with them - couldn't have anyone round, could have a party and the servants were useless. The only thing resembling a decent , feature rich house was the Battlehorn Castle DLC.
Skyrim promises to make the houses a lot more important to the game, with the ability to invite people over. I'm just wondering how much the ability decorate your house and hoard loot will be supported, and how much this would mean to everybody else. Discuss.