Hi, sorry for my bad english, but i try to explain my issues. I play FONV with many mods for a long time without any problems. While i was playing the vanilla game i installed the DLC′s DM and OWB(not installing while playing..of course

). With level 20 in the vanilla game (far away from ending the mainquest-story) i decided to try OWB. It worked well and all seems normal. I felt in love with OWB because there was this scurill and dark atmosphere i really like...so i installed also the DLC′s HH and LR.
After the installation i cant load any savegame from OWB and the the whole DLC seems to disappear...no matter which savegame i choose, i always start in Goodspring without any equipment from OWB, no more questmarkers or hints of OWB and also the OWB-entry (the satelitte) disappeared. The same thing also happend when im starting a new game....no messages for OWB and LR...only the questmassages for DM and HH appears when im starting a new game.
Maybe the message for LR comes later in the game?..but OWB is completly missing
Also some mods (mainly the AWOP) wont work since i′ve installed HH

.......all DLC-files (bsa.,esp.,esm.and nam. i thik?)looks completly and correct in the datafolder...so any ideas?
Thx 4 help