1. Do not use the "continue" feature on the main title screen. Often after a glitch expresses after leaving or entering an area the autosave will maintain the glitch or be corrupt leading to the infinite loading screen glitch. Use "load" every time; always.
2. When possible avoid using the V.A.T.S. system! Sure, I know you're saying "But Crybaby, V.A.T.S. is like the backbone of the game!" Sure enough it is a very integral part of the game's selling features, but until it works what are you losing out on, right? Besides, in the DLC Old World Blues it's been proven that having a backbone removed is not only survivable but fun!
3. Avoid moving! The ominous freeze glitch feeds off movement! This unwholesome beast of a glitch has a voracious appetite that needs to be sated every few blocks, so whatever you do DON'T MOVE!
4. Avoid combat! Frantic combat tends to initiate movement (see step 3,) and the use of V.A.T.S. (see step 2.)
5. If you have downloaded any add-ons, for the love of god don't use them! Using DLC leads to a vast ocean of suffering and pain! Just a few of the connected glitches include item loss, reputation loss/change, companion loss, quest item loss, the freeze glitch of course, inability to load DLC, endless music loops and track bleeding and those are just the ones that happened to me! Feel free to keep downloading them though, just don't use them in any way.
6. Save often AND use multiple save slots. I suggest using the full 100 save slots available to you and saving anywhere from 6 to 60 times an hour depending on level of glitching present for your particular game. Also don't forget that the game has an auto save feature which is covered in step 7.
7. Use the auto save feature, or don't. Doesn't really matter with this one as you will be saving enough to make the glitches connected with this step almost nonexistent, but it still should be covered. The auto save feature, at least for me and a friend (Xbox360 and PS3,) seems to have about a 1 in 5 chance of crashing halfway through the save crashing the system and corrupting the auto save file.
8. Avoid caffeine, sugary drinks, hammers, impromptu bludgeoning devices, swearing, and stomping boots when attempting to enjoy your Fallout New Vegas experience. Instead try an MAO inhibitor or some really yummy Xanax. I personally use the booze. Yep, nothing says fun like getting drunk so those pesky little glitches don't get under your skin!
9. Finally, much like the 2 companies that appear on the boot up screen, relax. Finger pointing doesn't fix anything and neither can you. I've lived long enough to know that everything you do is your own fault. You're the one that spent your hard earned cash on this title. You're the one that (myself included,) foamed at the mouth for the next DLC to be released even though you KNEW the glitches were as plentiful as stars in the sky. Remember when you point a finger at someone (or corporations,) there's three more pointing right back at you.
So just be content citizen, enjoy the blank book in front of you, be thankful that your time, money and enjoyment has lead you to fully understanding how important you are as a customer.