(Been lurking the forums for weeks- Though this is my first post)
As I sit and think about how I'm going to play my character come release of Skyrim; I can't help but question the effectiveness of some of my anticipated weapon and spell choices. I know that you can theoretically play ANY way you want, but I can't help but feel some ways are going to be more efficient. For example, if I'm playing around with an archer class, would sneaking up on an enemy with a sword to start the battle be pointless (regardless of how cool it would be)? If it isn't pointless, how do I decide between sneaking up on the enemy with a sword or a dagger? Or what if, say, I sneaked up on an enemy with my sword, got the critical, then, with my other hand, starting casting destruction spells while wielding said sword as I back step to a safe range to start raining arrows on the enemy? Would that be silly? I'll end up leveling my blade and destruction skills, when all I really needed to do was go crazy with my bow from the beginning.
TL;DR version
How do you balance creative game play with effectiveness?
I want to play a stealth based character who uses destruction magic and, possibly, wields a blade. I'm hoping for some help theory crafting effective play styles. Feel free to share what style of play you are planning on going with. Bonus points for explaining why.