LvL Limit

Post » Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:40 am

This is something which has been bugging me in all TES games.
Why there isn't some fixed level you can reach?
Your final level is when all your skill reach 100, and I think that it's pretty silly since it always ruined concept of classes (at least before when we had them - even though they didn't serve any purpose at all) and now ruins the concept of specialisation.
Everyone can do everything and it's simply lame!
With fixed level limit, you would actually need to plan out your actions and think a bit what you are doing.
Your specialisation would be more rewarding and would have a meaning instead of just being able to do everything.
Also, racial bonuses to the skills have absolutelly no purpose what so ever.
I mean, a Dunmer may have bonus at Destruction magic unlike Redguard, but it doesn't matter since Redguard can do it also, only with bit of a delay.
This also means that that chocie of race is less important.

inb4 herp, derp, TES iz SP... SP need no balance & TES iz about duing everything u wantz, hur, hur, hur...

Yeah. those two answers are lame and not valid at all.

I was in a bit of a rush when writing this and will update it with more info and reasons why fixed lvl limit would be better when I have more time (probably tomorrow).
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Post » Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:13 am

There is a level limit. It is in the 70's.

You level as your skills raise. When all skills are at 100, you will be in the 70's.

Edit for clarification:
The way that they handled it was that you will get a limited amount of perks. They handle the specialization. All skills can be 100, but you can't benefit from all the interesting perks that are provided in the tree.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:31 pm

It's not like you get 100 at all skills in like 100 hours or's gonne take some time....
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Amber Ably
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Post » Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:18 am

From the information I have gathered, the maximum level should be in the 70's.

-Mr. Maric
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Post » Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:22 am

There's no limit because each character will level differently, depending on racial bonuses and whatnot.
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:11 pm

Your final level is when all your skill reach 100, and I think that it's pretty silly since it always ruined concept of classes (at least before when we had them - even though they didn't serve any purpose at all) and now ruins the concept of specialisation.
Everyone can do everything and it's simply lame!

Lame as you perceive it, it is a hallmark of the TES franchise. It is by design.

Also, racial bonuses to the skills have absolutelly no purpose what so ever.

Each race now have abilities which go beyond just skill bonuses.

inb4 herp, derp, TES iz SP... SP need no balance & TES iz about duing everything u wantz, hur, hur, hur...

Yeah. those two answers are lame and not valid at all.

If you're going to demand validity, the least you could do is refrain from using the ad hominem fallacy.

The developers constantly repeat the mantra "be what you want to be". It doesn't get much more valid as "the game works exactly how the developers envisioned it". If you wish to build a case for forced specialization and absolute classes, you do so against the vision of the developers. It very seriously reduces your credibility by doing the whole "herp derp" thing to characterize people who are aligned with that vision.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:12 am

You won't be able to master everything like in morrowind and oblivion, thanks so perks.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:20 am

You act like everyone is a power gamer that tries to max every skill. There are plenty of people the roleplay and don't bother with most skills. They only level the ones they are interested in. When they max those out they have reached max level. Just becuase they like to play that way, doesn't mean they should impose their view on how other people should play. If someone wants to max out every skill to keep leveling, then let them. That is what they enjoy.
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Post » Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:24 am

You won't be able to master everything like in morrowind and oblivion, thanks so perks.

Depends what you mean by "master". It certainly sounds like you can get 100 in each skill simply by using them enough. Though there clearly aren't enough perks to fill each skill's perk tree.
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:59 pm

From what I understand, it's steady progression till 50, and then it GRIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDS to a screeching snail pace.

When you hit level 50, it's time to rap [censored] up and get on to a new character IMO.
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Post » Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:28 am

It would actually make the game harder if you changed all your skills at level 50 to keep leveling. But by level 50 I am sure you can kill everything in the game so it doesn't matter to balance if you keep leveling and get new ways to kill stuff.
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:51 pm

1. Because that's how all elder scrolls have been since Daggerfall.
2. Because there's no good reason why a high level mage shouldn't be able to pick up a mace and get good at it.
3. Perks offer exactly the kind of customization you're asking for.

Should I add some herp derps in there for you to understand those three points or is it clear enough?
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:45 pm

From what I understand, it's steady progression till 50, and then it GRIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDS to a screeching snail pace.

I think this is sufficient as a level cap. It encourages specialization, but those who want to go for everything still can.

LOL at those who apparently posted after reading only the caption.
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Post » Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:48 am

Want to power play? Like playing an rpg and eventually becoming god-like? Then you are catered for. Don't want to reach the highest levels, then this is one of those very rare cases where 'don't want it, don't use it' actually applies. No one is actually going to become that much more powerful if they have mastered heavy armour, then start wearing light at level 50. Destruction and one-handed at 100? Then switching to two-handed isn't exactly normal play. Getting all skills to 100 isn't something that will just happen if you play long enough, you will have to put a lot of conscious effort in.
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:48 pm

I agree that you shouldn't be able to max out every skill but i am also of the opinion that the perks will balance this out.
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Post » Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:52 pm

Because a general cap doesn't make sense. Instead of being "Oh I've learned this arbitary amount stuff, now I can't learn anything more EVER" it's now "Oh, I've mastered these skills, might as well spend my time learning more if I want to as there isn't anything preventing me."
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Post » Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:22 pm

Depends what you mean by "master". It certainly sounds like you can get 100 in each skill simply by using them enough. Though there clearly aren't enough perks to fill each skill's perk tree.

Yes, you can reach 100 in all of them. But that is not enough to master them. it's like getting 100 in all of oblivions skills, but not getting a single perk from them. What can you do with those skills? Not much.
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