the weapons had all 3 mods for each and laying on table their in game model showed mods on them but after getting the lonesome road dlc and the Gun runner arsenal and preorder pack combe thing I went to use my old repeater for gun runner challenge and when I went to drop on a shelf the guns had their default game models with no upgrades I know it seems trivial but can this be fixed/patched?
its not so much game breaking as frustrating in that Im having to expand from just having victors shack and the sink as a home to other locations and i like to put some of my weapons and armor on "display" on shelfs and such....
unfortunatly I didnt notice this bug till after completing a few quests and I really dont want to have to delete the dlc or anything......I just wanna know if it can be added or looked at in any future patches that may be released
also I didnt check out other guns but the mods not showing might apply to other weapons as well.